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This function locks a given R object x by saving it to a file with a .rdlock extension. If the file already exists (and overwrite is FALSE), the existing file is read and its contents returned.


  name = NULL,
  path = getOption("robonomistClient.datalock.path"),
  overwrite = getOption("robonomistClient.datalock.overwrite", FALSE)



The R object to be locked and saved.


Optional; the name to be used for the saved file. If NULL, a name is generated using the hash of the expression that defines x. If provided, it must be a single non-empty character string.


Optional; the directory path where the data file is to be saved. Defaults to the value of the 'robonomistClient.datalock.path' option. If NULL, the file is saved in the current working directory.


Logical; whether to overwrite the existing data file. Defaults to FALSE, meaning that if the file exists, it is read and returned without overwriting.


Returns the data x after saving or reading it from the file. If overwrite is TRUE, x is returned after saving. If overwrite is FALSE and the file exists, the contents of the file are returned. If the file does not exist, x is saved and then returned.


This function uses the 'hash' function from the 'rlang' package to generate a file name if no name is provided.


x <- runif(1) |> datalock(name = "example", path = "fixed_data")
y <- runif(1) |> datalock(name = "example", path = "fixed_data")
identical(x, y)
#> [1] TRUE

# This will save `y` to a file named "example.rdlock" in the "fixed_data" path.
# If the file "example.rdlock" already exists, `x` will to be evalated but read from the file.