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A client package for R to access Robonomist Data Server


The robonomistClient package allows easy and fast access to various datasources connecting to a Robonomist Data Server. Currently the client package provides access to 98 253 up-to-date data tables from 60 different datasources with 13 different languages.

Some of the integrated datasources:

  • Statistics Finland (StatFin & StatFin archive databases)
  • Statistics Finland municipal data (Key figures & Financial data)
  • Paavo postal code area statistics by Statistics Finland
  • Experimental statistics by Statistics Finland
  • Immigrants and integration database by Statistics Finland
  • Finnish Tax Administration
  • Finnish Centre for Pensions
  • Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luonnonvarakeskus LUKE)
  • Traficom database (The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency)
  • Customs Finland
  • THL Sotkanet
  • Vipunen, Education Statistics Finland
  • Helsingin seudun aluesarjat -tilastotietokanta
  • Helsingin ympäristötilasto
  • Fingrid
  • (Valtiokonttori)
  • Eurostat
  • European Commission Business and consumer surveys
  • World Bank
  • OECD
  • European Central Bank (ECB) Statistical data warehouse
  • Deutsche Bundesbank time series database
  • COVID-19 data (THL Epirapo, ECDC, and
  • Statistics Sweden
  • The Swedish National Institute of Economic Research
  • Swedish Agricultural Agency
  • Statistics Norway
  • Statistics Denmark
  • Statistics Iceland
  • Statistics Estonia
  • Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
  • International Monetary Fund (IMF)
  • United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Database
  • United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
  • FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
  • Nordic Statistics Database
  • U.S. Energy Information Administration database
  • FRED, Federal Reserve Economic Data, St. Louis Fed
  • Entso-E Transperancy Platform
  • Robonomist’s curated tidy data tables

To setup a Robonomist Data Server for your organization, please contact .


Install the development version from github:

## install.packages("devtools")

Getting started

Once installed, set the hostname of your Robonomist Data Server and connnect with set_robonomist_server function. Then you can start exploring the database.

set_robonomist_server(hostname = "", access_token = "xyz")

List all available datasources:

## # Robonomist Server Datasources
##    dataset            title                           languages           datasource                 
##  1 StatFin            Statistics Finland, StatFin da… c("fi", "sv", "en") StatFin                    
##  2 StatFin_Passiivi   Statistics Finland, StatFin ar… c("fi", "sv", "en") StatFin_Passiivi           
##  3 Vero               Finnish Tax Administration sta… c("fi", "sv", "en") Vero                       
##  4 ec                 European Commission's Business… en                  EC                         
##  5 kunnat             Key statistics of municipaliti… c("fi", "sv", "en") KuntienAvainluvut          
##  6 kunnat             Financial data reported by mun… c("fi", "sv", "en") KuntienTalous              
##  7 paavo              Statistics Finland's Paavo dat… c("fi", "sv", "en") Paavo                      
##  8 tulli              Finnish Customs, Uljas Statist… c("fi", "sv", "en") Tulli                      
##  9 luke               Statistics database of Natural… c("fi", "sv", "en") Luke                       
## 10 etk                Finnish Centre for Pensions' s… c("fi", "sv", "en") ETK                        
## 11 eurostat           Eurostat database               c("en", "de", "fr") eurostat                   
## 12 ecb                ECB Statistical Data Warehouse  en                  ECB                        
## 13 bundesbank         Deutsche Bundesbank time serie… c("en", "de")       Bundesbank                 
## 14 oecd               OECD database                   en                  OECD                       
## 15 oecd3              OECD database (SDMX-JSON API)   en                  OECD3                      
## 16 oecd               OECD database                   en                  OECD4                      
## 17 wb                 World Bank Open Data            en                  WB                         
## 18 hsa                Greater Helsinki Open Statisti… c("fi", "sv", "en") HSA                        
## 19 helymp             Helsinki environmental statist… c("fi", "en", "sv") HelsinginYmpäristötilasto  
## 20 helhyv             Helsinki wellbeing statistics   fi                  HelsinginHyvinvointitilasto
## 21 nordstat           Nordstat                        c("fi", "en", "sv") Nordstat                   
## 22 covid              European Centre for Disease Pr… en                  ECDC                       
## 23 vipunen            Vipunen, Education Statistics … fi                  Vipunen                    
## 24 epirapo            THL Epirapo COVID-19 database   fi                  Epirapo                    
## 25 sotkanet           Sotkanet indicator bank of the… c("fi", "en", "sv") Sotkanet                   
## 26 maakoto            Immigrants and integration sta… c("fi", "sv", "en") Maakoto                    
## 27 koto               Integration database, Finnish … c("fi", "sv", "en") Koto                       
## 28 toimipaikkalaskuri Toimipaikkalaskuri database, S… fi                  Toimipaikkalaskuri         
## 29 kokeelliset        Statistics Finland's experimen… c("fi", "sv", "en") KokeellisetTilastot        
## 30 traficom           Traficom statistics database    c("fi", "sv", "en") Traficom                   
## # ℹ 30 more rows
## # ℹ 1 more variable: available <lgl>

The data function is convenient way to search and get data tables. Print all available data tables:

## # Robonomist Database search results
##    id                                      title                                                              lang 
##    <r_id>                                  <chr>                                                              <chr>
##  1 StatFin/adopt/statfin_adopt_pxt_11lv.px Adoptiot muuttujina Vuosi, Syntymävaltio, Adoptiotyyppi, Ikä, Suk… fi   
##  2 StatFin/adopt/statfin_adopt_pxt_11lv.px Adoptioner efter År, Födelseland, Typ av adoption, Ålder, Kön och… sv   
##  3 StatFin/adopt/statfin_adopt_pxt_11lv.px Adoptions by Year, Country of birth, Adoption type, Age, Sex and … en   
##  4 StatFin/adopt/statfin_adopt_pxt_13qh.px Adoptiot muuttujina Vuosi, Adoptoitavan vanhemmat ja Tiedot        fi   
##  5 StatFin/adopt/statfin_adopt_pxt_13qh.px Adoptioner efter År, Föräldrarna till den som adopteras och Uppgi… sv   
##  6 StatFin/adopt/statfin_adopt_pxt_13qh.px Adoptions by Year, Parents of the adopted person and Information   en   
##  7 StatFin/aku/statfin_aku_pxt_12dz.px     Aikuiskoulutukseen osallistuminen (ml. työhön tai ammattiin liitt… fi   
##  8 StatFin/aku/statfin_aku_pxt_12dz.px     Deltagande i vuxenutbildning (inkl. arbets- eller yrkesinriktad, … sv   
##  9 StatFin/aku/statfin_aku_pxt_12dz.px     Participation in adult education (incl. adult education and train… en   
## 10 StatFin/aku/statfin_aku_pxt_12ea.px     Aikuiskoulutukseen osallistuminen (ml. työhön tai ammattiin liitt… fi   
## 11 StatFin/aku/statfin_aku_pxt_12ea.px     Deltagande i vuxenutbildning (inkl. arbets- eller yrkesinriktad, … sv   
## 12 StatFin/aku/statfin_aku_pxt_12ea.px     Participation in adult education (incl. adult education and train… en   
## 13 StatFin/aku/statfin_aku_pxt_14bu.px     Aikuiskoulutukseen osallistuminen (ml. työhön tai ammattiin liitt… fi   
## 14 StatFin/aku/statfin_aku_pxt_14bu.px     Deltagande i vuxenutbildning (inkl. arbets- eller yrkesinriktad, … sv   
## 15 StatFin/aku/statfin_aku_pxt_14bu.px     Participation in adult education and training (incl. adult educat… en   
## 16 StatFin/aku/statfin_aku_pxt_14bv.px     Aikuiskoulutukseen osallistuminen (ml. työhön tai ammattiin liitt… fi   
## 17 StatFin/aku/statfin_aku_pxt_14bv.px     Deltagande i vuxenutbildning (inkl. arbets- eller yrkesinriktad, … sv   
## 18 StatFin/aku/statfin_aku_pxt_14bv.px     Participation in adult education and training (incl. adult educat… en   
## 19 StatFin/altp/statfin_altp_pxt_12bc.px   Bruttokansantuote henkeä kohden kohden alueittain, vuosittain muu… fi   
## 20 StatFin/altp/statfin_altp_pxt_12bc.px   Bruttonationalprodukt per person och region, årsvis efter Region,… sv   
## 21 StatFin/altp/statfin_altp_pxt_12bc.px   Gross domestic product per capita by area, annually by Area, Year… en   
## 22 StatFin/altp/statfin_altp_pxt_12bd.px   Tulot ja tuotanto alueittain, vuosittain muuttujina Alue, Taloust… fi   
## 23 StatFin/altp/statfin_altp_pxt_12bd.px   Inkomster och produktion per region, årsvis efter Region, Transak… sv   
## 24 StatFin/altp/statfin_altp_pxt_12bd.px   Income and production by area, annually by Area, Transaction, Ind… en   
## 25 StatFin/altp/statfin_altp_pxt_12be.px   Investoinnit ja kiinteä pääoma alueittain, vuosittain muuttujina … fi   
## 26 StatFin/altp/statfin_altp_pxt_12be.px   Investeringar och fast kapital per region, årsvis efter Region, T… sv   
## 27 StatFin/altp/statfin_altp_pxt_12be.px   Investments and fixed capital by area, annually by Area, Transact… en   
## 28 StatFin/altp/statfin_altp_pxt_12bf.px   Kotitalouksien tulot ja menot alueittain, vuosittain muuttujina S… fi   
## 29 StatFin/altp/statfin_altp_pxt_12bf.px   Hushållens inkomster och utgifter per region, årsvis efter Sektor… sv   
## 30 StatFin/altp/statfin_altp_pxt_12bf.px   Household income and expenditure by area, annually by Sector, Are… en   
## # ℹ 172,382 more rows

To get a specific data table, use the tables id.

## # Robonomist id: StatFin/synt/statfin_synt_pxt_12dx.px
## # Title:         Väestönmuutokset muuttujina Vuosi ja Tiedot
## # Last updated:  2024-05-28 08:00:00
## # Next update:   2025-05-20 08:00:00
## # A tibble:      3,025 × 3
##    Vuosi Tiedot                     value
##  * <chr> <chr>                      <dbl>
##  1 1749  Elävänä syntyneet          16700
##  2 1749  Kuolleet                   11600
##  3 1749  Luonnollinen väestönlisäys  5100
##  4 1749  Kuntien välinen muutto        NA
##  5 1749  Maahanmuutto Suomeen          NA
##  6 1749  Maastamuutto Suomesta         NA
##  7 1749  Nettomaahanmuutto             NA
##  8 1749  Solmitut avioliitot         3900
##  9 1749  Avioerot                      NA
## 10 1749  Kokonaismuutos                NA
## # ℹ 3,015 more rows

Get data using a link from the datasources website:

## data_get("oecd/DSD_FISH_PROD@DF_FISH_AQUA", dl_filter = ".A.._T.T")

## # Robonomist id: oecd/DSD_FISH_PROD@DF_FISH_AQUA
## # Title:         Aquaculture production
## # Vintage:       2024-03-08 18:57:12
## # A tibble:      1,431 × 10
##  * <chr>    <chr>  <chr>                  <chr>   <chr>        <date>       <dbl> <chr>     <chr>    <chr>     
##  1 Israel   Annual Aquaculture production Total   Tonnes       2021-01-01  14875  0         0        LW        
##  2 Sweden   Annual Aquaculture production Total   Tonnes       1995-01-01   7554  0         0        LW        
##  3 France   Annual Aquaculture production Total   Tonnes       1995-01-01 280786  0         0        LW        
##  4 Denmark  Annual Aquaculture production Total   Tonnes       2003-01-01  37772  0         0        LW        
##  5 Denmark  Annual Aquaculture production Total   Tonnes       2002-01-01  32026  0         0        LW        
##  6 Denmark  Annual Aquaculture production Total   Tonnes       2001-01-01  41573  0         0        LW        
##  7 Sweden   Annual Aquaculture production Total   Tonnes       2005-01-01   5880  0         0        LW        
##  8 Sweden   Annual Aquaculture production Total   Tonnes       2004-01-01   5989  0         0        LW        
##  9 Sweden   Annual Aquaculture production Total   Tonnes       2003-01-01   6334  0         0        LW        
## 10 Denmark  Annual Aquaculture production Total   Tonnes       2019-01-01  40221. 0         0        LW        
## # ℹ 1,421 more rows

More information

You can find detailed information on how to use robonomistClient in the documentation.