The robonomistClient
package is a powerful R client designed to simplify access to diverse datasets hosted on the Robonomist Data Server. With seamless integration, the package enables analysts, researchers, and developers to retrieve and analyze up-to-date, multilingual data from numerous national and international sources, all in a tidy format ready for analysis.
Key Features
The robonomistClient package is designed to deliver:
Comprehensive Data Coverage
Access data from national statistical agencies, international organizations, and regional sources — all in one place. This means less time spent searching for data and more time for analysis.
- Statistics Finland, OECD, World Bank, European Central Bank, and more.
High Data Fidelity and Trust
Our data is reliable and accurately reflects the information from official statistical agencies. Complete metadata is provided for every dataset to ensure that your analysis is based on credible information.
- Full transparency on data sources.
- Detailed metadata included.
Flexibility in Data Retrieval
Customize the way data is retrieved to fit your specific needs:
- Multilingual support
- Choose between variable labels or codes.
- Interpret time variables as dates or raw values.
Seamless Integration for Dynamic Workflows
Designed to work smoothly with R, robonomistClient makes building dynamic documents and automatically updating apps easier by providing a stable API:
- Reduce disruptions caused by changing official statistics APIs.
- Focus on insights rather than wrangling with data inconsistencies.
The robonomistClient
package provides seamless and efficient access to a wide range of datasources via the Robonomist Data Server. With support for 95 197 up-to-date data tables across 57 distinct datasources and 13 languages, the package is designed to streamline your data analysis workflow.
International Datasources
- Global Institutions: OECD, International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Database (UNECE), United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), Bank for International Settlements (BIS).
- European Union: Eurostat, European Commission, European Central Bank (ECB).
- Nordic Countries: Statistics Sweden, Swedish National Institute of Economic Research, Swedish Agricultural Agency, Statistics Norway, Statistics Denmark, Statistics Iceland, Statistics Estonia, Nordic Statistics Database.
Finnish Datasources
- Statistics Finland: StatFin, StatFin archive databases, Municipal figures & financial data, Paavo postal code area statistics, experimental statistics, immigrants and integration database.
- Regional Data: Helsingin seudun aluesarjat -tilastotietokanta, Helsingin ympäristötilasto.
- National Agencies: Finnish Tax Administration, Finnish Centre for Pensions, Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE), Traficom (Finnish Transport and Communications Agency), Customs Finland, THL Sotkanet, Vipunen (Education Statistics Finland), Fingrid, (Valtiokonttori).
Thematic & Specialized Datasources
- Energy & Environment: Entso-E Transparency Platform, U.S. Energy Information Administration database, Fingrid.
- Financial: Deutsche Bundesbank time series database, FRED (Federal Reserve Economic Data**.
- Health & Pandemic Data: THL Epirapo, ECDC.
This list highlights just some of the many datasources available through the robonomistClient package
. The package also includes Robonomist’s curated tidy data tables, providing ready-to-use datasets tailored for streamlined analysis and insight generation.
Getting started
To setup a Robonomist Data Server for your organization, please contact
1. Install the Package
First, install the package from GitHub (if you haven’t already):
# Install devtools if necessary
# install.packages("devtools")
# Install the latest version of robonomistClient from GitHub
2. Set Up Your Connection
To start using the package, you need to set the hostname of your Robonomist Data Server and provide an access token. Use the set robonomist_server()
function to establish the connection.
# Set up the connection
set_robonomist_server(hostname = "", access_token = "abc")
3. Explore Available Datasources
To see which datasources are available, use the datasources()
function. This will give you an overview of all the datasources you can access.
#> # Robonomist Server Datasources
#> dataset title languages
#> <r_dataset> <chr> <iso2>
#> 1 StatFin Statistics Finland, StatFin database fi,sv,en
#> 2 StatFin_Passiivi Statistics Finland, StatFin archive database fi,sv,en
#> 3 Vero Finnish Tax Administration statistical databa… fi,sv,en
#> 4 ec European Commission's Business and Consumer S… en
#> 5 kunnat Key statistics of municipalities, Statistics … fi,sv,en
#> 6 kunnat Financial data reported by municipalities and… fi,sv,en
#> 7 paavo Statistics Finland's Paavo database fi,sv,en
#> 8 tulli Finnish Customs, Uljas Statistical Database fi,sv,en
#> 9 luke Statistics database of Natural Resources Inst… fi,sv,en
#> 10 etk Finnish Centre for Pensions' statistical data… fi,sv,en
#> # ℹ 47 more rows
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: datasource <chr>, available <lgl>
4. Search and Retrieve Data Tables
The data()
function allows you to search and retrieve data tables from the datasources. Here’s how to list all available data tables:
#> # Robonomist Database search results
#> id title lang
#> <r_id> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 StatFin/adopt/statfin_adopt_pxt_11lv.px Adoptiot muuttujina Vuosi,… fi
#> 2 StatFin/adopt/statfin_adopt_pxt_11lv.px Adoptioner efter År, Födel… sv
#> 3 StatFin/adopt/statfin_adopt_pxt_11lv.px Adoptions by Year, Country… en
#> 4 StatFin/adopt/statfin_adopt_pxt_13qh.px Adoptiot muuttujina Vuosi,… fi
#> 5 StatFin/adopt/statfin_adopt_pxt_13qh.px Adoptioner efter År, Föräl… sv
#> 6 StatFin/adopt/statfin_adopt_pxt_13qh.px Adoptions by Year, Parents… en
#> 7 StatFin/aku/statfin_aku_pxt_12dz.px Aikuiskoulutukseen osallis… fi
#> 8 StatFin/aku/statfin_aku_pxt_12dz.px Deltagande i vuxenutbildni… sv
#> 9 StatFin/aku/statfin_aku_pxt_12dz.px Participation in adult edu… en
#> 10 StatFin/aku/statfin_aku_pxt_12ea.px Aikuiskoulutukseen osallis… fi
#> # ℹ 170,260 more rows
Search for tables related to employment:
#> # Robonomist Database search results #> id title lang #> <r_id> <chr> <chr> #> 1 StatFin/altp/statfin_altp_pxt_12bg.px Employment and hours wor… en #> 2 StatFin/klt/statfin_klt_pxt_13jb.px Employment of students s… en #> 3 StatFin/ntp/statfin_ntp_pxt_11tj.px Employment and hours wor… en #> 4 StatFin/tyokay/statfin_tyokay_pxt_115b.px Population by Area, Main… en #> 5 StatFin/tyokay/statfin_tyokay_pxt_115c.px Population by Main type … en #> 6 StatFin/tyokay/statfin_tyokay_pxt_115d.px Population by Area, Main… en #> 7 StatFin/tyokay/statfin_tyokay_pxt_115e.px Population by Main type … en #> 8 StatFin/tyokay/statfin_tyokay_pxt_115f.px Population by Area, Main… en #> 9 StatFin/tyokay/statfin_tyokay_pxt_115g.px Population by Main type … en #> 10 StatFin/tyokay/statfin_tyokay_pxt_115h.px Employed labour force in… en #> # ℹ 3,656 more rows
Search for a specific dataset with language options:
data("StatFin/ntp", lang = "en")
#> # Robonomist Database search results #> id title lang #> <r_id> <chr> <chr> #> 1 StatFin/ntp/statfin_ntp_pxt_11tj.px Employment and hours worked qua… en #> 2 StatFin/ntp/statfin_ntp_pxt_132g.px Income and production by indust… en #> 3 StatFin/ntp/statfin_ntp_pxt_132h.px Gross domestic product and nati… en
These search capabilities help you quickly locate the data you need without needing to know exact IDs.
5. Retrieve a Specific Data Table
If you know the ID of a specific data table you want, you can retrieve it by passing the ID to the data()
function. For example:
#> # Robonomist id: StatFin/synt/statfin_synt_pxt_12dx.px
#> # Title: Väestönmuutokset muuttujina Vuosi ja Tiedot
#> # Last updated: 2024-05-28 08:00:00
#> # Next update: 2025-05-20 08:00:00
#> # A tibble: 3,025 × 3
#> Vuosi Tiedot value
#> * <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 1749 Elävänä syntyneet 16700
#> 2 1749 Kuolleet 11600
#> 3 1749 Luonnollinen väestönlisäys 5100
#> 4 1749 Kuntien välinen muutto NA
#> 5 1749 Maahanmuutto Suomeen NA
#> 6 1749 Maastamuutto Suomesta NA
#> 7 1749 Nettomaahanmuutto NA
#> 8 1749 Solmitut avioliitot 3900
#> 9 1749 Avioerot NA
#> 10 1749 Kokonaismuutos NA
#> # ℹ 3,015 more rows
Retrieve Data for Production Use
The data_get()
function is designed for production use cases where robustness is crucial. It allows you to fetch a specific dataset by its ID directly, without any searching. This ensures consistency, especially in automated scripts or applications where you need to reliably retrieve the same dataset over time.
# Fetch a specific dataset using its ID for production use
production_data <- data_get("StatFin/synt/statfin_synt_pxt_12dx.px")
Fetch Data Directly Using a URL
You can also fetch data directly using a link from the datasource’s website using fetch_data_from_url()
. This is useful when you have a specific URL from a datasource explorer, such as the OECD’s data explorer:
#> data_get("oecd/DSD_FISH_PROD@DF_FISH_AQUA", dl_filter = ".A.._T.T")
#> # Robonomist id: oecd/DSD_FISH_PROD@DF_FISH_AQUA
#> # Title: Aquaculture production
#> # Vintage: 2024-07-25 09:39:34
#> # A tibble: 1,431 × 10
#> * <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <date> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 Argentina Annual Aquacul… Total Tonnes 1995-01-01 1474 0
#> 2 Argentina Annual Aquacul… Total Tonnes 1996-01-01 1322 0
#> 3 Argentina Annual Aquacul… Total Tonnes 1997-01-01 1314 0
#> 4 Argentina Annual Aquacul… Total Tonnes 1998-01-01 1040 0
#> 5 Argentina Annual Aquacul… Total Tonnes 1999-01-01 1218 0
#> 6 Argentina Annual Aquacul… Total Tonnes 2000-01-01 1784 0
#> 7 Argentina Annual Aquacul… Total Tonnes 2001-01-01 1340 0
#> 8 Argentina Annual Aquacul… Total Tonnes 2002-01-01 1457 0
#> 9 Argentina Annual Aquacul… Total Tonnes 2003-01-01 1647 0
#> 10 Argentina Annual Aquacul… Total Tonnes 2004-01-01 1848 0
#> # ℹ 1,421 more rows
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: DECIMALS <chr>, CONVENTION <chr>