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The fetch_data_from_url() function is designed to facilitate easy access to data by parsing a copied URL from websites of various datasources. It forms a query to the database and retrieves the data in R using the robonomistclient package.


fetch_data_from_url(url, get = TRUE)



A character string representing the URL copied from the datasource's website when a particular dataset is selected.


A logical value indicating whether to execute the query and return the data (TRUE, default) or just return the query string (FALSE).


If get is TRUE, the function returns the queried data. If get is FALSE, it returns the query string.


# Example usage:
url <- "[0]=Measure%2C0%7CAquaculture%20production%23AQUA_PD%23&fc=Measure&snb=1&vw=tb&df[ds]=dsDisseminateFinalDMZ&df[id]=DSD_FISH_PROD%40DF_FISH_AQUA&df[ag]=OECD.TAD.ARP&df[vs]=1.0&pd=2010%2C&dq=.A.._T.T&ly[rw]=REF_AREA&ly[cl]=TIME_PERIOD&to[TIME_PERIOD]=false"
#> data_get("oecd/DSD_FISH_PROD@DF_FISH_AQUA", dl_filter = ".A.._T.T") 
#>  Connecting to robonomistServer at wss://
#>  Connecting to robonomistServer at wss:// [893ms]
#>  Connected successfully to robonomistServer 2.9.32
#>  Connected successfully to robonomistServer 2.9.32 [24ms]
#> ⠙ Requesting get
#> ⠹ Requesting get
#> ⠸ Requesting get
#>  Requesting get [7.7s]
#> # Robonomist id: oecd/DSD_FISH_PROD@DF_FISH_AQUA
#> # Title:         Aquaculture production
#> # Vintage:       2024-07-25 09:39:34
#> # A tibble:      1,431 × 10
#>  * <chr>     <chr>  <chr>        <chr>   <chr>        <date>     <dbl> <chr>    
#>  1 Argentina Annual Aquaculture… Total   Tonnes       1995-01-01  1474 0        
#>  2 Argentina Annual Aquaculture… Total   Tonnes       1996-01-01  1322 0        
#>  3 Argentina Annual Aquaculture… Total   Tonnes       1997-01-01  1314 0        
#>  4 Argentina Annual Aquaculture… Total   Tonnes       1998-01-01  1040 0        
#>  5 Argentina Annual Aquaculture… Total   Tonnes       1999-01-01  1218 0        
#>  6 Argentina Annual Aquaculture… Total   Tonnes       2000-01-01  1784 0        
#>  7 Argentina Annual Aquaculture… Total   Tonnes       2001-01-01  1340 0        
#>  8 Argentina Annual Aquaculture… Total   Tonnes       2002-01-01  1457 0        
#>  9 Argentina Annual Aquaculture… Total   Tonnes       2003-01-01  1647 0        
#> 10 Argentina Annual Aquaculture… Total   Tonnes       2004-01-01  1848 0        
#> # ℹ 1,421 more rows
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: DECIMALS <chr>, CONVENTION <chr>
fetch_data_from_url(url, get = FALSE)
#> data_get("oecd/DSD_FISH_PROD@DF_FISH_AQUA", dl_filter = ".A.._T.T")
# StatFin
#> data_get("StatFin/aku/statfin_aku_pxt_12ea.px") 
#> ⠙ Requesting get
#>  Requesting get [482ms]
#> # Robonomist id: StatFin/aku/statfin_aku_pxt_12ea.px
#> # Title:         Aikuiskoulutukseen osallistuminen (ml. työhön tai ammattiin
#> #   liittyvä, henkilöstökoulutus sekä muu kuin työhön liittyvä aikuiskoulutus)
#> #   sukupuolittain muuttujina Vuosi, Sukupuoli ja Tiedot
#> # Last updated:  2023-10-06 08:00:00
#> # A tibble:      168 × 4
#>    Vuosi Sukupuoli Tiedot                                                  value
#>  * <chr> <chr>     <chr>                                                   <dbl>
#>  1 1990  Yhteensä  Aikuiskoulutukseen osallistuneet, lkm                  1.53e6
#>  2 1990  Yhteensä  Aikuiskoulutukseen osallistuneet, %                    4.7 e1
#>  3 1990  Yhteensä  Työhön tai ammattiin liittyvään aikuiskoulutukseen os… 1.09e6
#>  4 1990  Yhteensä  Työhön tai ammattiin liittyvään aikuiskoulutukseen os… 4.4 e1
#>  5 1990  Yhteensä  Työnantajan tukemaan koulutukseen (henkilöstökoulutuk… 9.69e5
#>  6 1990  Yhteensä  Työnantajan tukemaan koulutukseen (henkilöstökoulutuk… 4.7 e1
#>  7 1990  Yhteensä  Muuhun kuin työhön tai ammattiin liittyvään aikuiskou… 5.45e5
#>  8 1990  Yhteensä  Muuhun kuin työhön tai ammattiin liittyvään aikuiskou… 1.8 e1
#>  9 1990  Miehet    Aikuiskoulutukseen osallistuneet, lkm                  6.98e5
#> 10 1990  Miehet    Aikuiskoulutukseen osallistuneet, %                    4.3 e1
#> # ℹ 158 more rows

# Eurostat fetch_data_from_url("")

#> data_get("ecb/ICP", dl_filter = "M.U2.N.000000.4.ANR") 
#> ⠙ Requesting get
#> ⠹ Requesting get
#>  Requesting get [1.9s]
#> # Robonomist id: ecb/ICP
#> # Title:         Indices of Consumer prices
#> # Vintage:       2025-01-16 08:00:00
#> # A tibble:      336 × 8
#>    Frequency `Reference area`      `Adjustment indicator` Classification - ICP…¹
#>  * <chr>     <chr>                 <chr>                  <chr>                 
#>  1 Monthly   Euro area (changing … Neither seasonally no… HICP - Overall index  
#>  2 Monthly   Euro area (changing … Neither seasonally no… HICP - Overall index  
#>  3 Monthly   Euro area (changing … Neither seasonally no… HICP - Overall index  
#>  4 Monthly   Euro area (changing … Neither seasonally no… HICP - Overall index  
#>  5 Monthly   Euro area (changing … Neither seasonally no… HICP - Overall index  
#>  6 Monthly   Euro area (changing … Neither seasonally no… HICP - Overall index  
#>  7 Monthly   Euro area (changing … Neither seasonally no… HICP - Overall index  
#>  8 Monthly   Euro area (changing … Neither seasonally no… HICP - Overall index  
#>  9 Monthly   Euro area (changing … Neither seasonally no… HICP - Overall index  
#> 10 Monthly   Euro area (changing … Neither seasonally no… HICP - Overall index  
#> # ℹ 326 more rows
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​`Classification - ICP context`
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: `Institution originating the data flow` <chr>,
#> #   `Series variation - ICP context` <chr>, time <date>, value <dbl>

# World bank
#> data_get("wb/SH.DYN.MORT") 
#> ⠙ Requesting get
#>  Requesting get [1.9s]
#> # Robonomist id: wb/SH.DYN.MORT
#> # Title:         Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000 live births)
#> # Vintage:       2025-01-16 06:23:42.873036
#> # A tibble:      18,304 × 6
#>    indicator                                iso2c iso3c country time       value
#>  * <chr>                                    <chr> <chr> <chr>   <date>     <dbl>
#>  1 Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000 live… ZH    AFE   Africa… 1960-01-01    NA
#>  2 Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000 live… ZH    AFE   Africa… 1961-01-01    NA
#>  3 Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000 live… ZH    AFE   Africa… 1962-01-01    NA
#>  4 Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000 live… ZH    AFE   Africa… 1963-01-01    NA
#>  5 Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000 live… ZH    AFE   Africa… 1964-01-01    NA
#>  6 Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000 live… ZH    AFE   Africa… 1965-01-01    NA
#>  7 Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000 live… ZH    AFE   Africa… 1966-01-01    NA
#>  8 Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000 live… ZH    AFE   Africa… 1967-01-01    NA
#>  9 Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000 live… ZH    AFE   Africa… 1968-01-01    NA
#> 10 Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000 live… ZH    AFE   Africa… 1969-01-01    NA
#> # ℹ 18,294 more rows

# Fred
#> data_get("fred/FPCPITOTLZGUSA") 
#> ⠙ Requesting get
#>  Requesting get [1.3s]
#> # Robonomist id: fred/FPCPITOTLZGUSA
#> # Title:         Inflation, consumer prices for the United States
#> # Vintage:       2024-09-19 19:08:02
#> # A tibble:      64 × 7
#>    series_id      Title   Frequency Units `Seasonal adjustment` time       value
#>  * <chr>          <chr>   <chr>     <chr> <chr>                 <date>     <dbl>
#>  1 FPCPITOTLZGUSA Inflat… Annual    Perc… Not Seasonally Adjus… 1960-01-01  1.46
#>  2 FPCPITOTLZGUSA Inflat… Annual    Perc… Not Seasonally Adjus… 1961-01-01  1.07
#>  3 FPCPITOTLZGUSA Inflat… Annual    Perc… Not Seasonally Adjus… 1962-01-01  1.20
#>  4 FPCPITOTLZGUSA Inflat… Annual    Perc… Not Seasonally Adjus… 1963-01-01  1.24
#>  5 FPCPITOTLZGUSA Inflat… Annual    Perc… Not Seasonally Adjus… 1964-01-01  1.28
#>  6 FPCPITOTLZGUSA Inflat… Annual    Perc… Not Seasonally Adjus… 1965-01-01  1.59
#>  7 FPCPITOTLZGUSA Inflat… Annual    Perc… Not Seasonally Adjus… 1966-01-01  3.02
#>  8 FPCPITOTLZGUSA Inflat… Annual    Perc… Not Seasonally Adjus… 1967-01-01  2.77
#>  9 FPCPITOTLZGUSA Inflat… Annual    Perc… Not Seasonally Adjus… 1968-01-01  4.27
#> 10 FPCPITOTLZGUSA Inflat… Annual    Perc… Not Seasonally Adjus… 1969-01-01  5.46
#> # ℹ 54 more rows

#> data_get("bis/WS_SPP", dl_filter = "Q.5R.N.628") 
#> ⠙ Requesting get
#>  Updating dataset bis
#>  Updating dataset bis [291ms]
#> ⠙ Requesting get

#> ⠹ Requesting get
#>  Requesting get [2.9s]
#> # Robonomist id: bis/WS_SPP
#> # Title:         Selected residential property prices
#> # Vintage:       2025-01-16 07:08:22.598066
#> # A tibble:      34,080 × 6
#>    Frequency `Reference area`   Value   `Unit of measure` time       value
#>  * <chr>     <chr>              <chr>   <chr>             <date>     <dbl>
#>  1 Quarterly Advanced economies Nominal Index, 2010 = 100 2007-10-01 110. 
#>  2 Quarterly Advanced economies Nominal Index, 2010 = 100 2008-01-01 109. 
#>  3 Quarterly Advanced economies Nominal Index, 2010 = 100 2008-04-01 107. 
#>  4 Quarterly Advanced economies Nominal Index, 2010 = 100 2008-07-01 105. 
#>  5 Quarterly Advanced economies Nominal Index, 2010 = 100 2008-10-01 101. 
#>  6 Quarterly Advanced economies Nominal Index, 2010 = 100 2009-01-01  98.8
#>  7 Quarterly Advanced economies Nominal Index, 2010 = 100 2009-04-01  98.5
#>  8 Quarterly Advanced economies Nominal Index, 2010 = 100 2009-07-01  99.3
#>  9 Quarterly Advanced economies Nominal Index, 2010 = 100 2009-10-01  99.8
#> 10 Quarterly Advanced economies Nominal Index, 2010 = 100 2010-01-01  99.8
#> # ℹ 34,070 more rows

#> data_get("se/EN/EN0302/SSDArGasavtal") 
#> ⠙ Requesting get
#>  Requesting get [782ms]
#> # Robonomist id: se/EN/EN0302/SSDArGasavtal
#> # Title:         Change of natural gas supplier. Year 2008 - 2023
#> # Last updated:  2024-03-25 11:18:00
#> # A tibble:      64 × 5
#>    `consumer category` `customers or installations` observations     year  value
#>  * <chr>               <chr>                        <chr>            <chr> <dbl>
#>  1 households          number of customers          Change of natur… 2008     NA
#>  2 households          number of customers          Change of natur… 2009    285
#>  3 households          number of customers          Change of natur… 2010    266
#>  4 households          number of customers          Change of natur… 2011    281
#>  5 households          number of customers          Change of natur… 2012    157
#>  6 households          number of customers          Change of natur… 2013    238
#>  7 households          number of customers          Change of natur… 2014    452
#>  8 households          number of customers          Change of natur… 2015    170
#>  9 households          number of customers          Change of natur… 2016    226
#> 10 households          number of customers          Change of natur… 2017    354
#> # ℹ 54 more rows