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The ogle function provides a quick overview of the contents within a tibble, specifically targeting the exploration of categorical variables by listing their distinct values and summarizing other variable types. This function is useful for preliminary data exploration before proceeding with more specific data filtering or analysis.


ogle(.data, ...)



A tibble to explore.


<'data-masking'> Additional arguments, specifying the variables to be included in the exploration. When no variables are specified, all variables in the tibble are explored.


A list where each element corresponds to a variable in the tibble. For character and factor variables, it returns their distinct values. For variables that meet a summary condition (as defined by robonomistClient:::is_summary), a statistical summary is returned.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
data("sotkanet/4") %>% ogle()
data("sotkanet/4") %>% ogle(region)
} # }