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This function wraps numerous Leaflet features into a single, well-parametrized interface.


  title = NULL,
  subtitle = "",
  caption = NULL,
  hovertext = set_hovertext(),
  map_opacity = 0.9,
  tile_opacity = 0.7,
  wrap = TRUE,
  tile_style = NULL,
  map_palette = NULL,
  border_width = getOption("roboplot.trace.border")$width,
  height = getOption("roboplot.height"),
  width = getOption("roboplot.width"),
  legend = set_legend(),
  data_contour = FALSE,
  markers = FALSE,
  zoom = TRUE,



Data frame. Data to be created a map from.


Symbol or string. Variable from argument 'd' to use to identify the areas described by the map. This must be of class sfc_MULTIPOLYGON.

title, subtitle

Characters. Labels for plot elements.


Function or character. Use a string, or set_caption(). Param xref is ignored by robomap.


Function. Use set_hovertext().

map_opacity, tile_opacity

Numeric. Values from 0 to 1, defining how opaque the map polygon fill color or underlying map tiles are. 0 removes the tile layer, but retains the polygon borders if any.


Logical. Whether the map should wrap around the globe. Default is TRUE.


Character string specifying the map style to use. Options include:


A standard, detailed map suitable for most general-purpose use.


A clean, modern map with minimal design, focused on clarity and smooth rendering.


A dark-themed map, ideal for nighttime or high-contrast visualizations.


An outdoor-focused map, highlighting features relevant for activities like hiking and exploration.


A high-contrast, black-and-white map, useful for bold, minimalist visuals.


A detailed street map, with emphasis on urban and road networks for navigation and infrastructure insights.


High-resolution satellite imagery, offering detailed aerial views for geographic analysis.


A minimalist grayscale map, often used for background or overlay purposes in more complex visualizations.


Character or function. Must be hexadecimal colors or valid css colors, or use set_heatmap() if specifying color breakpoints.


Integer. The width of polygon borders.

height, width

Numeric. Height and width of the plot. Default width is NA. for responsive plots.


Function. Use set_legend().


Logical. Experimental. If TRUE, robomap() will produce a contour-like representation of the data, which does not conform to the boundaries of the polygons. This provides a smoother transition and helps in visualizing general trends across regions. Default is FALSE.


Logical. Experimental. Whether markers will be added on the map based on the columns "lat" and "lon". Default is FALSE.


Logical. Whether the map is zoomable or not.


Placeholder for other parameters.


A list of classes leaflet, htmlwidget and roboplot.robomap


# You can use `robomap()` to create interactive maps. Note that very large
# number of map polygons makes for slow rendering maps.
vaesto_postinumeroittain |>
  robomap(Postinumeroalue, title = "V\u00e4kiluku postinumeroalueittain", caption = "Tilastokeskus")
# Default polygon colors are picked from trace colors set with # `set_roboplot_options()` based on luminosity. Control polygon colors with # `map_palette`. `robomap()` expands upon this as necessary. vaesto_postinumeroittain |> dplyr::filter(Alue == "Espoo") |> robomap( Postinumeroalue, title = "V\u00e4kiluku Espoossa", subtitle = "Otanta", caption = "Tilastokeskus", map_palette = c("lightgreen", "darkred") )
# You might want to disallow zooming for some reason. The map will be draggable, # but zoom by buttons or scrolling is disabled. vaesto_postinumeroittain |> dplyr::filter(Alue == "Espoo") |> robomap( Postinumeroalue, title = "V\u00e4est\u00f6 Espoossa", subtitle = "Otanta", caption = "Tilastokeskus", zoom = FALSE )
# Set polygon border width with `border_width", polygon opacity with `map_opacity`, # and the opacity of the underlying map tiles with `tile_opacity`. Use `set_legend()` # to control legend specifics. vaesto_postinumeroittain |> dplyr::filter(Alue == "Espoo") |> robomap( Postinumeroalue, title = "V\u00e4est\u00f6 Espoossa", caption = "Tilastokeskus", border_width = 2, tile_opacity = 0.2, map_opacity = 0.5, legend = set_legend(title = "V\u00e4est\u00f6") )
# Control the story you want to tell by using `set_heatmap()` with `map_palette`, # setting the colors and breakpoints. Use `legend` with `set_legend(breaks)` # to control how many entries the legend is split to. Heatmap maps cannot have a # gradient legend. `robomap()` will detect it, but you can also set it manually # to avoid unnecessary messages. vaesto_postinumeroittain |> dplyr::filter(Alue == "Espoo") |> robomap( Postinumeroalue, title = "V\u00e4est\u00f6 Espoossa", caption = "Tilastokeskus", map_palette = set_heatmap( midvalue = 6000, midcolor = "yellow", maxcolor = "red" ), legend = set_legend(breaks = 3, gradient = FALSE), map_opacity = 1, border_width = 0 )
# Or just give the legend breaks vaesto_postinumeroittain |> dplyr::filter(Alue == "Espoo") |> robomap( Postinumeroalue, title = "V\u00e4est\u00f6 Espoossa", caption = "Tilastokeskus", map_palette = set_heatmap(midvalue = 6000, midcolor = "yellow", maxcolor = "red"), legend = set_legend(breaks = c(3000, 6000, 9000), gradient = FALSE), map_opacity = 1, border_width = 0 )
# Use labformat to format your labels to your liking. You probably want to be # quite specific with the breaks in this case, or create the labformat function # dynamically. vaesto_postinumeroittain |> dplyr::filter(stringr::str_detect(Postinumero, "^009")) |> robomap(Postinumeroalue, "V\u00e4kiluku Itä-Helsingissä", tile_opacity = 1, map_opacity = 1, rounding = 0, legend = set_legend( title = "Suuruusluokka", breaks = 2, labformat = function(x) { dplyr::case_when(x > 16000 ~ "Suuri", x > 6000 ~ "Keskiverto", TRUE ~ "Pieni") } ) )
# You might have categorial data instead. vaesto_postinumeroittain |> dplyr::filter(stringr::str_detect(Postinumero, "^009")) |> dplyr::mutate( value = dplyr::case_when( value >= quantile(vaesto_postinumeroittain$value)["75%"] ~ "Suuri", value <= quantile(vaesto_postinumeroittain$value)["25%"] ~ "Pieni", TRUE ~ "Normaali" ) |> forcats::fct_relevel("Pieni", "Normaali", "Suuri") ) |> robomap( Postinumeroalue, "V\u00e4kiluku Itä-Helsingissä", "Suuruusluokittain", legend = set_legend(title = "Suuruusluokka") ) #> Warning: There was 1 warning in `stopifnot()`. #> In argument: `value = forcats::fct_relevel(...)`. #> Caused by warning: #> ! 1 unknown level in `f`: Pieni
# Control map style with `tile_style`. Some options are "dark", "minimalist", # "satellite" etc. See `robomap()` documentation for full list. vaesto_postinumeroittain |> dplyr::filter(stringr::str_detect(Postinumero, "^009")) |> robomap(Postinumeroalue, "V\u00e4kiluku It\u00e4-Helsingiss\u00e4", tile_opacity = 1, map_opacity = 1, tile_style = "dark" )