This function wraps numerous Leaflet features into a single, well-parametrized interface.
title = NULL,
subtitle = "",
caption = NULL,
hovertext = set_hovertext(),
map_opacity = 0.9,
tile_opacity = 0.7,
wrap = TRUE,
tile_style = NULL,
map_palette = NULL,
border_width = getOption("roboplot.trace.border")$width,
height = getOption("roboplot.height"),
width = getOption("roboplot.width"),
legend = set_legend(),
data_contour = FALSE,
markers = FALSE,
zoom = TRUE,
- d
Data frame. Data to be created a map from.
- area
Symbol or string. Variable from argument 'd' to use to identify the areas described by the map. This must be of class sfc_MULTIPOLYGON.
- title, subtitle
Characters. Labels for plot elements.
- caption
Function or character. Use a string, or
. Paramxref
is ignored byrobomap
.- hovertext
Function. Use
.- map_opacity, tile_opacity
Numeric. Values from 0 to 1, defining how opaque the map polygon fill color or underlying map tiles are. 0 removes the tile layer, but retains the polygon borders if any.
- wrap
Logical. Whether the map should wrap around the globe. Default is TRUE.
- tile_style
Character string specifying the map style to use. Options include:
- "normal"
A standard, detailed map suitable for most general-purpose use.
- "minimalist"
A clean, modern map with minimal design, focused on clarity and smooth rendering.
- "dark"
A dark-themed map, ideal for nighttime or high-contrast visualizations.
- "topo"
An outdoor-focused map, highlighting features relevant for activities like hiking and exploration.
- "bw"
A high-contrast, black-and-white map, useful for bold, minimalist visuals.
- "street"
A detailed street map, with emphasis on urban and road networks for navigation and infrastructure insights.
- "satellite"
High-resolution satellite imagery, offering detailed aerial views for geographic analysis.
- "grayscale"
A minimalist grayscale map, often used for background or overlay purposes in more complex visualizations.
- map_palette
Character or function. Must be hexadecimal colors or valid css colors, or use
if specifying color breakpoints.- border_width
Integer. The width of polygon borders.
- height, width
Numeric. Height and width of the plot. Default width is NA. for responsive plots.
- legend
Function. Use
.- data_contour
Logical. Experimental. If TRUE,
will produce a contour-like representation of the data, which does not conform to the boundaries of the polygons. This provides a smoother transition and helps in visualizing general trends across regions. Default is FALSE.- markers
Logical. Experimental. Whether markers will be added on the map based on the columns "lat" and "lon". Default is FALSE.
- zoom
Logical. Whether the map is zoomable or not.
- ...
Placeholder for other parameters.
# You can use `robomap()` to create interactive maps. Note that very large
# number of map polygons makes for slow rendering maps.
vaesto_postinumeroittain |>
robomap(Postinumeroalue, title = "V\u00e4kiluku postinumeroalueittain", caption = "Tilastokeskus")
# Default polygon colors are picked from trace colors set with
# `set_roboplot_options()` based on luminosity. Control polygon colors with
# `map_palette`. `robomap()` expands upon this as necessary.
vaesto_postinumeroittain |>
dplyr::filter(Alue == "Espoo") |>
title = "V\u00e4kiluku Espoossa",
subtitle = "Otanta",
caption = "Tilastokeskus",
map_palette = c("lightgreen", "darkred")
# You might want to disallow zooming for some reason. The map will be draggable,
# but zoom by buttons or scrolling is disabled.
vaesto_postinumeroittain |>
dplyr::filter(Alue == "Espoo") |>
title = "V\u00e4est\u00f6 Espoossa",
subtitle = "Otanta",
caption = "Tilastokeskus",
zoom = FALSE
# Set polygon border width with `border_width", polygon opacity with `map_opacity`,
# and the opacity of the underlying map tiles with `tile_opacity`. Use `set_legend()`
# to control legend specifics.
vaesto_postinumeroittain |>
dplyr::filter(Alue == "Espoo") |>
title = "V\u00e4est\u00f6 Espoossa",
caption = "Tilastokeskus",
border_width = 2,
tile_opacity = 0.2,
map_opacity = 0.5,
legend = set_legend(title = "V\u00e4est\u00f6")
# Control the story you want to tell by using `set_heatmap()` with `map_palette`,
# setting the colors and breakpoints. Use `legend` with `set_legend(breaks)`
# to control how many entries the legend is split to. Heatmap maps cannot have a
# gradient legend. `robomap()` will detect it, but you can also set it manually
# to avoid unnecessary messages.
vaesto_postinumeroittain |>
dplyr::filter(Alue == "Espoo") |>
title = "V\u00e4est\u00f6 Espoossa",
caption = "Tilastokeskus",
map_palette = set_heatmap(
midvalue = 6000,
midcolor = "yellow",
maxcolor = "red"
legend = set_legend(breaks = 3, gradient = FALSE),
map_opacity = 1,
border_width = 0
# Or just give the legend breaks
vaesto_postinumeroittain |>
dplyr::filter(Alue == "Espoo") |>
title = "V\u00e4est\u00f6 Espoossa",
caption = "Tilastokeskus",
map_palette = set_heatmap(midvalue = 6000, midcolor = "yellow", maxcolor = "red"),
legend = set_legend(breaks = c(3000, 6000, 9000), gradient = FALSE),
map_opacity = 1,
border_width = 0
# Use labformat to format your labels to your liking. You probably want to be
# quite specific with the breaks in this case, or create the labformat function
# dynamically.
vaesto_postinumeroittain |>
dplyr::filter(stringr::str_detect(Postinumero, "^009")) |>
"V\u00e4kiluku Itä-Helsingissä",
tile_opacity = 1,
map_opacity = 1,
rounding = 0,
legend = set_legend(
title = "Suuruusluokka",
breaks = 2,
labformat = function(x) {
dplyr::case_when(x > 16000 ~ "Suuri", x > 6000 ~ "Keskiverto", TRUE ~ "Pieni")
# You might have categorial data instead.
vaesto_postinumeroittain |>
dplyr::filter(stringr::str_detect(Postinumero, "^009")) |>
value = dplyr::case_when(
value >= quantile(vaesto_postinumeroittain$value)["75%"] ~ "Suuri",
value <= quantile(vaesto_postinumeroittain$value)["25%"] ~ "Pieni",
TRUE ~ "Normaali"
) |>
forcats::fct_relevel("Pieni", "Normaali", "Suuri")
) |>
"V\u00e4kiluku Itä-Helsingissä",
legend = set_legend(title = "Suuruusluokka")
#> Warning: There was 1 warning in `stopifnot()`.
#> ℹ In argument: `value = forcats::fct_relevel(...)`.
#> Caused by warning:
#> ! 1 unknown level in `f`: Pieni
# Control map style with `tile_style`. Some options are "dark", "minimalist",
# "satellite" etc. See `robomap()` documentation for full list.
vaesto_postinumeroittain |>
dplyr::filter(stringr::str_detect(Postinumero, "^009")) |>
"V\u00e4kiluku It\u00e4-Helsingiss\u00e4",
tile_opacity = 1,
map_opacity = 1,
tile_style = "dark"