position = NULL,
orientation = NULL,
maxwidth = NULL,
title = FALSE,
tidy = getOption("roboplot.legend.tidy"),
breaks = 5,
position = "bottomleft",
orientation = "vertical",
title = NULL,
opacity = 1,
labformat = NULL,
gradient = NULL,
- ...
Arguments passed on to
- position
Character. Either "bottom" or NA for no legend for roboplot, or one of "bottomleft", "bottomright", or "none" for robomap. On a roboplot, the legend is removed on default if column in data for param
of the roboplot that is defined by paramcolor
of that plot has only one observation.- orientation
Character. Currently unused.
- maxwidth
Numeric. All roboplot legend items (and y-axis values for horizontal barplots) longer than this will be trunctated with an ellipsis.
- title
Logical or character. TRUE if you want the parameter
from the roboplot to be the legend title. Character if you want to provide your own legend title.- tidy
Logical. Controls whether the roboplot legend items will have matching widths across columns. Default is FALSE.
- breaks
Numeric vector. A length 1 vector attempts to make that many robomap legend entries. Length 2+ vector should be the breaks in values of param
of robomap where the legend should be split.- opacity
Numeric. The opacity of the robomap legend, ranging from 0 to 1.
- labformat
Function. Specify custom label formatting function. The function must take a numeric vector of labels the map legend might have. Mostly useful for small number of specific labels.
- gradient
Logical. If TRUE, the legend will be a gradient. Default TRUE for numeric data, FALSE for factor data.
# You can use `set_legend` to control how legends are displayed on a `roboplot()`.
d <- energiantuonti |>
dplyr::filter(Alue == "Venäjä")
# Use `position` NA to remove the legend.
d |>
roboplot(Suunta, legend = set_legend(position = NA))
#> Error in map(split_d, function(g) { tracetype <- unique(g$roboplot.plot.type) trace_labels <- roboplotr_trace_labels(tracetype, labels, names(d)) hoverlab <- case_when(tracetype == "pie" ~ "label", any(c("horizontal", "horizontalfill", "horizontalstack") %in% g$roboplot.plot.type) & is.null(pattern) & quo_name(color) != ticktypes$y ~ "text", TRUE ~ "customdata") hovertemplate <- roboplotr_hovertemplate(hovertext, lab = hoverlab, ticktypes) if (any(unique(pull(g, !!color)) %in% secondary_yaxis)) { legend_rank <- mean(g$roboplot.legend.rank) + max(d$roboplot.legend.rank) } else { legend_rank <- mean(g$roboplot.legend.rank) } .fontsize <- getOption("roboplot.font.main")$size g <- mutate(g, = roboplotr_alter_color(.data$roboplot.trace.color, "dark"), roboplot.tx.color = roboplotr_text_color_picker(.data$, .fontsize)) text_inside <- any(tracetype == "pie" & trace_labels$style != "none", tracetype == "bar" & trace_labels$style %in% c("mini", "auto", "inside")) if (text_inside) { if (trace_labels$style == "mini") { g <- mutate(g, = "#FFFFFF00") } else { g <- mutate(g, = roboplotr_text_color_picker(.data$roboplot.trace.color, getOption("roboplot.font.caption")$size)) } } if (!is.null(attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area)) { show.legend <- attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area$show_legend g <- mutate(g, roboplot.confidence.label = str_c(.data$roboplot.plot.text, "\n", .data[[attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area$col]]), roboplot.plot.text = .data[[attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area$col]], ) if (!is.character(g[[attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area$col]])) { legend_rank <- legend_rank + 10 + as.numeric(unique(g[[attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area$col]])) } else { legend_rank <- legend_rank + 10 + 1 } } else { if (is.null(highlight)) { if (!is.null(pattern_showlegend) & trace_showlegend) { show.legend <- pattern_showlegend[as.character(unique(g[[as_name(pattern)]]))] } else { show.legend <- trace_showlegend } } else { show.legend <- roboplotr_highlight_legend(highlight, g) } } .legendgrouptitle <- NULL if ("pie" %in% plot_type) { .legendgroup <- "pie" } else { .legendgroup <- as.character(unique(pull(g, { { color } }))) } if (!is.null(secondary_yaxis)) { if (as.character(unique(pull(g, { { color } }))) %in% secondary_yaxis) { .legendgrouptitle <- ticktypes$y2legend .legendgroup <- "R" } else { .legendgrouptitle <- ticktypes$ylegend .legendgroup <- "L" } } error_x <- NULL error_y <- NULL if (!is.null(confidence$type)) { if (confidence$type == "bars") { if (!quo_is_null(confidence$error_x)) { error_x <- list(array = confidence$error_x, color = confidence$xcolor) } if (!quo_is_null(confidence$error_y)) { error_y <- list(array = g[["roboplot.errorbar.max"]], arrayminus = g[["roboplot.errorbar.min"]], color = confidence$ycolor) } } } if (is.null(updatemenu)) { trace_visible <- T } else { trace_visible <- unique(g$ == updatemenu$selected } plotting_params <- list(color = color, constraintext = ifelse(!is.null(trace_labels$size), "none", "both"), customdata = if (!is.null(attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area)) { ~roboplot.confidence.label } else if (!quo_is_null(hovertext$col)) { as.formula(str_c("~", as_label(hovertext$col))) } else if (any(c("horizontal", "horizontalfill", "horizontalstack") %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode)) { ~roboplot.horizontal.label } else { ~roboplot.plot.text }, data = g, direction = "clockwise", error_x = error_x, error_y = error_y, fill = unlist(ifelse(!is.null(attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area), list("toself"), list(NULL))), fillcolor ~ color, hoverlabel = list(bgcolor =, bordercolor = first(unlist(unique(getOption("roboplot.grid")[c("xcolor", "ycolor")]))), font = ~append(getOption("roboplot.font.main")[c("family", "size")], list(color = roboplot.tx.color))), hoveron = "points+fills", hovertemplate = hovertemplate, insidetextfont = list(family = getOption("roboplot.font.main")$family, size = trace_labels$size %||% getOption("roboplot.font.main")$size, color =, labels = color, legendgroup = .legendgroup, legendgrouptitle = list(text = .legendgrouptitle, font = getOption("roboplot.font.main")[c("color", "family", "size")]), legendrank = legend_rank, line = ~list(width = roboplot.linewidth, dash = roboplot.dash, smoothing = attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area$smoothing %||% 0.5, shape = case_when(!is.null(attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area) ~ "spline", roboplot.plot.mode == "step" ~ "hv", roboplot.plot.mode == "smooth" ~ "spline", TRUE ~ "linear")), marker = list(colors = ~roboplot.trace.color, line = getOption("roboplot.trace.border"), symbol = markers$symbol, size = markers$size, pattern = ~list(shape = roboplot.pattern)), mode = { .mode <- str_replace_all(unique(g$roboplot.plot.mode), c(`^smooth$` = "lines", `^line$` = "lines", `^step$` = "lines", `^scatter$` = "markers", `scatter\\+line` = "markers+lines")) if (tracetype == "scatter" & trace_labels$style != "none") { .mode <- str_c(.mode, "+text") } .mode }, name = ~if (!is.null(legend$maxwidth)) { str_trunc(as.character(roboplot.plot.text), legend$maxwidth) } else { roboplot.plot.text }, offset = if ("horizontalfill" %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode) { } else { NULL }, offsetgroup = ~str_c(roboplot.pattern, roboplot.trace.color), opacity = attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area$opacity, orientation = ifelse(any(c("horizontal", "horizontalfill", "horizontalstack") %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode) & "bar" %in% g$roboplot.plot.type, "h", "v"), rotation = rotation, showlegend = show.legend, sort = F, text = if (any(c("horizontal", "horizontalfill", "horizontalstack") %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode)) { ~roboplot.horizontal.label } else { ~roboplot.plot.text }, textfont = list(color = ~trace_labels$color %||% roboplot.trace.color, size = ~trace_labels$size %||% getOption("roboplot.font.main")$size), textinfo = "percent", textposition = { if (tracetype == "scatter" & trace_labels$style == "auto") { .y <- round(g[[ticktypes$y]], max(hovertext$rounding - 2, 0)) str_replace_all(as.character(tidyr::fill(tibble(value = na_if(c(ifelse(.y[1] >= .y[2], 1, -1), sign(diff(.y))), 0)), value)$value), c(`-1` = "bottom center", `1` = "top center")) } else { case_when(trace_labels$style == "none" ~ "none", tracetype == "bar" & trace_labels$style == "mini" ~ "auto", tracetype == "bar" ~ trace_labels$style, tracetype == "scatter" & trace_labels$style == "last" ~ "middle right", tracetype == "scatter" & trace_labels$style == "auto" ~ "top center", tracetype == "pie" ~ "inside", TRUE ~ "none") } }, texttemplate = if (!quo_is_null(trace_labels$text_col)) { if (trace_labels$style == "last") { .y <- g[[as_label(trace_labels$text_col)]] .y[-length(.y)] <- "" .y } else { as.formula(str_c("~", as_label(trace_labels$text_col))) } } else if (tracetype == "pie") { NULL } else if (any(c("horizontal", "horizontalfill", "horizontalstack") %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode)) { "%{x:,.1f}" } else if (tracetype == "scatter" & trace_labels$style == "auto") { .y <- round(g[[ticktypes$y]], max(hovertext$rounding - 2, 0)) .p <- tidyr::fill(tibble(value = na_if(c(ifelse(.y[1] >= .y[2], 1, -1), sign(diff(.y))), 0)), value)$value .y <- pull(mutate(tidyr::fill(tibble(check = na_if(c(ifelse(sign(.y[2] - .y[1]) < 0, -1, 1), sign(diff(.y))), 0)), check), check = slider::slide_dbl(check, ~.x[[1]] != .x[[2]], .after = 1, .complete = T)), check) .y[c(1, length(.y))] <- 1 .y <- roboplotr_format_robotable_numeric(ifelse(.y, g[[ticktypes$y]], NA), rounding = max(hovertext$rounding - 1, 0), na_value = "") ifelse(.p > 0, str_c(.y, "\n"), str_c("\n", .y)) } else if (trace_labels$style == "last") { .y <- g[[ticktypes$y]] .y[-length(.y)] <- "" .y } else { "%{y:,.1f}" }, type = ~tracetype, values = as.formula(str_c("~", ticktypes$y)), visible = trace_visible, width = if ("horizontalfill" %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode) { } else { NULL }, x = as.formula(str_c("~", ticktypes$x)), xhoverformat = ifelse(ticktypes$xticktype == "date", ticktypes$dateformat, ""), y = as.formula(str_c("~", ifelse(!is.null(legend$maxwidth) & ticktypes$y != "value", "roboplot.trunc", ticktypes$y)))) shared_params <- c("customdata", "data", "error_x", "error_y", "hoverlabel", "hovertemplate", "legendgroup", "legendgrouptitle", "legendrank", "showlegend", "text", "textposition", "texttemplate", "type", "visible") if (!is.null(attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area)) { shared_params <- c(shared_params, "fill", "fillcolor", "opacity", "hoveron") } if (text_inside) { shared_params <- c(shared_params, "insidetextfont") } if (!is.null(trace_labels$color) | !is.null(trace_labels$size)) { shared_params <- c(shared_params, "textfont") } if (!is.null(trace_labels$size) & tracetype == "bar") { shared_params <- c(shared_params, "constraintext") } if (tracetype %in% "scatter" & any(c("line", "step", "smooth") %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode)) { plotting_params <- plotting_params[c(shared_params, "x", "y", "line", "mode", "name", "color", "xhoverformat")] } else if (tracetype == "scatter" & "scatter+line" %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode) { plotting_params <- plotting_params[c(shared_params, "x", "y", "line", "mode", "name", "marker", "color", "xhoverformat")] } else if (tracetype == "scatter" & "scatter" %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode) { plotting_params <- plotting_params[c(shared_params, "x", "y", "mode", "name", "color", "marker", "xhoverformat")] } else if (tracetype == "bar" & any(c("horizontal", "horizontalfill", "horizontalstack") %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode)) { plotting_params <- plotting_params[c(shared_params, "x", "y", "offsetgroup", "orientation", "offset", "width", "color", "name", "marker")] } else if (tracetype == "bar") { plotting_params <- plotting_params[c(shared_params, "x", "y", "offsetgroup", "name", "color", "marker", "xhoverformat")] } else if (tracetype == "pie") { plotting_params <- plotting_params[c(shared_params, "labels", "textinfo", "direction", "rotation", "sort", "marker", "values")] } if (!is.null(secondary_yaxis)) { if (as.character(unique(pull(g, { { color } }))) %in% secondary_yaxis) { plotting_params$yaxis <- "y2" } } plotting_params}): ℹ In index: 1.
#> Caused by error in `na_if()`:
#> ! could not find function "na_if"
# `roboplot()` omits the legend to give more space for the plot area, when there
# is only a single trace for `color`. Use `position` to force the legend to show.
# You can also use `title` to set a title.
d |>
dplyr::filter(Suunta == "Tuonti") |>
roboplot(Suunta, legend = set_legend(title = "Example", position = "bottom"))
#> Error in map(split_d, function(g) { tracetype <- unique(g$roboplot.plot.type) trace_labels <- roboplotr_trace_labels(tracetype, labels, names(d)) hoverlab <- case_when(tracetype == "pie" ~ "label", any(c("horizontal", "horizontalfill", "horizontalstack") %in% g$roboplot.plot.type) & is.null(pattern) & quo_name(color) != ticktypes$y ~ "text", TRUE ~ "customdata") hovertemplate <- roboplotr_hovertemplate(hovertext, lab = hoverlab, ticktypes) if (any(unique(pull(g, !!color)) %in% secondary_yaxis)) { legend_rank <- mean(g$roboplot.legend.rank) + max(d$roboplot.legend.rank) } else { legend_rank <- mean(g$roboplot.legend.rank) } .fontsize <- getOption("roboplot.font.main")$size g <- mutate(g, = roboplotr_alter_color(.data$roboplot.trace.color, "dark"), roboplot.tx.color = roboplotr_text_color_picker(.data$, .fontsize)) text_inside <- any(tracetype == "pie" & trace_labels$style != "none", tracetype == "bar" & trace_labels$style %in% c("mini", "auto", "inside")) if (text_inside) { if (trace_labels$style == "mini") { g <- mutate(g, = "#FFFFFF00") } else { g <- mutate(g, = roboplotr_text_color_picker(.data$roboplot.trace.color, getOption("roboplot.font.caption")$size)) } } if (!is.null(attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area)) { show.legend <- attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area$show_legend g <- mutate(g, roboplot.confidence.label = str_c(.data$roboplot.plot.text, "\n", .data[[attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area$col]]), roboplot.plot.text = .data[[attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area$col]], ) if (!is.character(g[[attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area$col]])) { legend_rank <- legend_rank + 10 + as.numeric(unique(g[[attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area$col]])) } else { legend_rank <- legend_rank + 10 + 1 } } else { if (is.null(highlight)) { if (!is.null(pattern_showlegend) & trace_showlegend) { show.legend <- pattern_showlegend[as.character(unique(g[[as_name(pattern)]]))] } else { show.legend <- trace_showlegend } } else { show.legend <- roboplotr_highlight_legend(highlight, g) } } .legendgrouptitle <- NULL if ("pie" %in% plot_type) { .legendgroup <- "pie" } else { .legendgroup <- as.character(unique(pull(g, { { color } }))) } if (!is.null(secondary_yaxis)) { if (as.character(unique(pull(g, { { color } }))) %in% secondary_yaxis) { .legendgrouptitle <- ticktypes$y2legend .legendgroup <- "R" } else { .legendgrouptitle <- ticktypes$ylegend .legendgroup <- "L" } } error_x <- NULL error_y <- NULL if (!is.null(confidence$type)) { if (confidence$type == "bars") { if (!quo_is_null(confidence$error_x)) { error_x <- list(array = confidence$error_x, color = confidence$xcolor) } if (!quo_is_null(confidence$error_y)) { error_y <- list(array = g[["roboplot.errorbar.max"]], arrayminus = g[["roboplot.errorbar.min"]], color = confidence$ycolor) } } } if (is.null(updatemenu)) { trace_visible <- T } else { trace_visible <- unique(g$ == updatemenu$selected } plotting_params <- list(color = color, constraintext = ifelse(!is.null(trace_labels$size), "none", "both"), customdata = if (!is.null(attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area)) { ~roboplot.confidence.label } else if (!quo_is_null(hovertext$col)) { as.formula(str_c("~", as_label(hovertext$col))) } else if (any(c("horizontal", "horizontalfill", "horizontalstack") %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode)) { ~roboplot.horizontal.label } else { ~roboplot.plot.text }, data = g, direction = "clockwise", error_x = error_x, error_y = error_y, fill = unlist(ifelse(!is.null(attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area), list("toself"), list(NULL))), fillcolor ~ color, hoverlabel = list(bgcolor =, bordercolor = first(unlist(unique(getOption("roboplot.grid")[c("xcolor", "ycolor")]))), font = ~append(getOption("roboplot.font.main")[c("family", "size")], list(color = roboplot.tx.color))), hoveron = "points+fills", hovertemplate = hovertemplate, insidetextfont = list(family = getOption("roboplot.font.main")$family, size = trace_labels$size %||% getOption("roboplot.font.main")$size, color =, labels = color, legendgroup = .legendgroup, legendgrouptitle = list(text = .legendgrouptitle, font = getOption("roboplot.font.main")[c("color", "family", "size")]), legendrank = legend_rank, line = ~list(width = roboplot.linewidth, dash = roboplot.dash, smoothing = attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area$smoothing %||% 0.5, shape = case_when(!is.null(attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area) ~ "spline", roboplot.plot.mode == "step" ~ "hv", roboplot.plot.mode == "smooth" ~ "spline", TRUE ~ "linear")), marker = list(colors = ~roboplot.trace.color, line = getOption("roboplot.trace.border"), symbol = markers$symbol, size = markers$size, pattern = ~list(shape = roboplot.pattern)), mode = { .mode <- str_replace_all(unique(g$roboplot.plot.mode), c(`^smooth$` = "lines", `^line$` = "lines", `^step$` = "lines", `^scatter$` = "markers", `scatter\\+line` = "markers+lines")) if (tracetype == "scatter" & trace_labels$style != "none") { .mode <- str_c(.mode, "+text") } .mode }, name = ~if (!is.null(legend$maxwidth)) { str_trunc(as.character(roboplot.plot.text), legend$maxwidth) } else { roboplot.plot.text }, offset = if ("horizontalfill" %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode) { } else { NULL }, offsetgroup = ~str_c(roboplot.pattern, roboplot.trace.color), opacity = attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area$opacity, orientation = ifelse(any(c("horizontal", "horizontalfill", "horizontalstack") %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode) & "bar" %in% g$roboplot.plot.type, "h", "v"), rotation = rotation, showlegend = show.legend, sort = F, text = if (any(c("horizontal", "horizontalfill", "horizontalstack") %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode)) { ~roboplot.horizontal.label } else { ~roboplot.plot.text }, textfont = list(color = ~trace_labels$color %||% roboplot.trace.color, size = ~trace_labels$size %||% getOption("roboplot.font.main")$size), textinfo = "percent", textposition = { if (tracetype == "scatter" & trace_labels$style == "auto") { .y <- round(g[[ticktypes$y]], max(hovertext$rounding - 2, 0)) str_replace_all(as.character(tidyr::fill(tibble(value = na_if(c(ifelse(.y[1] >= .y[2], 1, -1), sign(diff(.y))), 0)), value)$value), c(`-1` = "bottom center", `1` = "top center")) } else { case_when(trace_labels$style == "none" ~ "none", tracetype == "bar" & trace_labels$style == "mini" ~ "auto", tracetype == "bar" ~ trace_labels$style, tracetype == "scatter" & trace_labels$style == "last" ~ "middle right", tracetype == "scatter" & trace_labels$style == "auto" ~ "top center", tracetype == "pie" ~ "inside", TRUE ~ "none") } }, texttemplate = if (!quo_is_null(trace_labels$text_col)) { if (trace_labels$style == "last") { .y <- g[[as_label(trace_labels$text_col)]] .y[-length(.y)] <- "" .y } else { as.formula(str_c("~", as_label(trace_labels$text_col))) } } else if (tracetype == "pie") { NULL } else if (any(c("horizontal", "horizontalfill", "horizontalstack") %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode)) { "%{x:,.1f}" } else if (tracetype == "scatter" & trace_labels$style == "auto") { .y <- round(g[[ticktypes$y]], max(hovertext$rounding - 2, 0)) .p <- tidyr::fill(tibble(value = na_if(c(ifelse(.y[1] >= .y[2], 1, -1), sign(diff(.y))), 0)), value)$value .y <- pull(mutate(tidyr::fill(tibble(check = na_if(c(ifelse(sign(.y[2] - .y[1]) < 0, -1, 1), sign(diff(.y))), 0)), check), check = slider::slide_dbl(check, ~.x[[1]] != .x[[2]], .after = 1, .complete = T)), check) .y[c(1, length(.y))] <- 1 .y <- roboplotr_format_robotable_numeric(ifelse(.y, g[[ticktypes$y]], NA), rounding = max(hovertext$rounding - 1, 0), na_value = "") ifelse(.p > 0, str_c(.y, "\n"), str_c("\n", .y)) } else if (trace_labels$style == "last") { .y <- g[[ticktypes$y]] .y[-length(.y)] <- "" .y } else { "%{y:,.1f}" }, type = ~tracetype, values = as.formula(str_c("~", ticktypes$y)), visible = trace_visible, width = if ("horizontalfill" %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode) { } else { NULL }, x = as.formula(str_c("~", ticktypes$x)), xhoverformat = ifelse(ticktypes$xticktype == "date", ticktypes$dateformat, ""), y = as.formula(str_c("~", ifelse(!is.null(legend$maxwidth) & ticktypes$y != "value", "roboplot.trunc", ticktypes$y)))) shared_params <- c("customdata", "data", "error_x", "error_y", "hoverlabel", "hovertemplate", "legendgroup", "legendgrouptitle", "legendrank", "showlegend", "text", "textposition", "texttemplate", "type", "visible") if (!is.null(attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area)) { shared_params <- c(shared_params, "fill", "fillcolor", "opacity", "hoveron") } if (text_inside) { shared_params <- c(shared_params, "insidetextfont") } if (!is.null(trace_labels$color) | !is.null(trace_labels$size)) { shared_params <- c(shared_params, "textfont") } if (!is.null(trace_labels$size) & tracetype == "bar") { shared_params <- c(shared_params, "constraintext") } if (tracetype %in% "scatter" & any(c("line", "step", "smooth") %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode)) { plotting_params <- plotting_params[c(shared_params, "x", "y", "line", "mode", "name", "color", "xhoverformat")] } else if (tracetype == "scatter" & "scatter+line" %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode) { plotting_params <- plotting_params[c(shared_params, "x", "y", "line", "mode", "name", "marker", "color", "xhoverformat")] } else if (tracetype == "scatter" & "scatter" %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode) { plotting_params <- plotting_params[c(shared_params, "x", "y", "mode", "name", "color", "marker", "xhoverformat")] } else if (tracetype == "bar" & any(c("horizontal", "horizontalfill", "horizontalstack") %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode)) { plotting_params <- plotting_params[c(shared_params, "x", "y", "offsetgroup", "orientation", "offset", "width", "color", "name", "marker")] } else if (tracetype == "bar") { plotting_params <- plotting_params[c(shared_params, "x", "y", "offsetgroup", "name", "color", "marker", "xhoverformat")] } else if (tracetype == "pie") { plotting_params <- plotting_params[c(shared_params, "labels", "textinfo", "direction", "rotation", "sort", "marker", "values")] } if (!is.null(secondary_yaxis)) { if (as.character(unique(pull(g, { { color } }))) %in% secondary_yaxis) { plotting_params$yaxis <- "y2" } } plotting_params}): ℹ In index: 1.
#> Caused by error in `na_if()`:
#> ! could not find function "na_if"
# Legend title is distinct from axis-specific legend titles which are controlled
# by `set_axes()` parameters `ylegend` and `y2legend`, when `y2` is used to move
# items from `color` to a secondary y-axis.
d |>
color = Suunta,
plot_axes = set_axes(
y2 = "Tuonti",
ylegend = "Left yaxis",
y2legend = "Right yaxis"
legend = set_legend(title = "Example")
#> Error in map(split_d, function(g) { tracetype <- unique(g$roboplot.plot.type) trace_labels <- roboplotr_trace_labels(tracetype, labels, names(d)) hoverlab <- case_when(tracetype == "pie" ~ "label", any(c("horizontal", "horizontalfill", "horizontalstack") %in% g$roboplot.plot.type) & is.null(pattern) & quo_name(color) != ticktypes$y ~ "text", TRUE ~ "customdata") hovertemplate <- roboplotr_hovertemplate(hovertext, lab = hoverlab, ticktypes) if (any(unique(pull(g, !!color)) %in% secondary_yaxis)) { legend_rank <- mean(g$roboplot.legend.rank) + max(d$roboplot.legend.rank) } else { legend_rank <- mean(g$roboplot.legend.rank) } .fontsize <- getOption("roboplot.font.main")$size g <- mutate(g, = roboplotr_alter_color(.data$roboplot.trace.color, "dark"), roboplot.tx.color = roboplotr_text_color_picker(.data$, .fontsize)) text_inside <- any(tracetype == "pie" & trace_labels$style != "none", tracetype == "bar" & trace_labels$style %in% c("mini", "auto", "inside")) if (text_inside) { if (trace_labels$style == "mini") { g <- mutate(g, = "#FFFFFF00") } else { g <- mutate(g, = roboplotr_text_color_picker(.data$roboplot.trace.color, getOption("roboplot.font.caption")$size)) } } if (!is.null(attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area)) { show.legend <- attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area$show_legend g <- mutate(g, roboplot.confidence.label = str_c(.data$roboplot.plot.text, "\n", .data[[attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area$col]]), roboplot.plot.text = .data[[attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area$col]], ) if (!is.character(g[[attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area$col]])) { legend_rank <- legend_rank + 10 + as.numeric(unique(g[[attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area$col]])) } else { legend_rank <- legend_rank + 10 + 1 } } else { if (is.null(highlight)) { if (!is.null(pattern_showlegend) & trace_showlegend) { show.legend <- pattern_showlegend[as.character(unique(g[[as_name(pattern)]]))] } else { show.legend <- trace_showlegend } } else { show.legend <- roboplotr_highlight_legend(highlight, g) } } .legendgrouptitle <- NULL if ("pie" %in% plot_type) { .legendgroup <- "pie" } else { .legendgroup <- as.character(unique(pull(g, { { color } }))) } if (!is.null(secondary_yaxis)) { if (as.character(unique(pull(g, { { color } }))) %in% secondary_yaxis) { .legendgrouptitle <- ticktypes$y2legend .legendgroup <- "R" } else { .legendgrouptitle <- ticktypes$ylegend .legendgroup <- "L" } } error_x <- NULL error_y <- NULL if (!is.null(confidence$type)) { if (confidence$type == "bars") { if (!quo_is_null(confidence$error_x)) { error_x <- list(array = confidence$error_x, color = confidence$xcolor) } if (!quo_is_null(confidence$error_y)) { error_y <- list(array = g[["roboplot.errorbar.max"]], arrayminus = g[["roboplot.errorbar.min"]], color = confidence$ycolor) } } } if (is.null(updatemenu)) { trace_visible <- T } else { trace_visible <- unique(g$ == updatemenu$selected } plotting_params <- list(color = color, constraintext = ifelse(!is.null(trace_labels$size), "none", "both"), customdata = if (!is.null(attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area)) { ~roboplot.confidence.label } else if (!quo_is_null(hovertext$col)) { as.formula(str_c("~", as_label(hovertext$col))) } else if (any(c("horizontal", "horizontalfill", "horizontalstack") %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode)) { ~roboplot.horizontal.label } else { ~roboplot.plot.text }, data = g, direction = "clockwise", error_x = error_x, error_y = error_y, fill = unlist(ifelse(!is.null(attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area), list("toself"), list(NULL))), fillcolor ~ color, hoverlabel = list(bgcolor =, bordercolor = first(unlist(unique(getOption("roboplot.grid")[c("xcolor", "ycolor")]))), font = ~append(getOption("roboplot.font.main")[c("family", "size")], list(color = roboplot.tx.color))), hoveron = "points+fills", hovertemplate = hovertemplate, insidetextfont = list(family = getOption("roboplot.font.main")$family, size = trace_labels$size %||% getOption("roboplot.font.main")$size, color =, labels = color, legendgroup = .legendgroup, legendgrouptitle = list(text = .legendgrouptitle, font = getOption("roboplot.font.main")[c("color", "family", "size")]), legendrank = legend_rank, line = ~list(width = roboplot.linewidth, dash = roboplot.dash, smoothing = attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area$smoothing %||% 0.5, shape = case_when(!is.null(attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area) ~ "spline", roboplot.plot.mode == "step" ~ "hv", roboplot.plot.mode == "smooth" ~ "spline", TRUE ~ "linear")), marker = list(colors = ~roboplot.trace.color, line = getOption("roboplot.trace.border"), symbol = markers$symbol, size = markers$size, pattern = ~list(shape = roboplot.pattern)), mode = { .mode <- str_replace_all(unique(g$roboplot.plot.mode), c(`^smooth$` = "lines", `^line$` = "lines", `^step$` = "lines", `^scatter$` = "markers", `scatter\\+line` = "markers+lines")) if (tracetype == "scatter" & trace_labels$style != "none") { .mode <- str_c(.mode, "+text") } .mode }, name = ~if (!is.null(legend$maxwidth)) { str_trunc(as.character(roboplot.plot.text), legend$maxwidth) } else { roboplot.plot.text }, offset = if ("horizontalfill" %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode) { } else { NULL }, offsetgroup = ~str_c(roboplot.pattern, roboplot.trace.color), opacity = attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area$opacity, orientation = ifelse(any(c("horizontal", "horizontalfill", "horizontalstack") %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode) & "bar" %in% g$roboplot.plot.type, "h", "v"), rotation = rotation, showlegend = show.legend, sort = F, text = if (any(c("horizontal", "horizontalfill", "horizontalstack") %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode)) { ~roboplot.horizontal.label } else { ~roboplot.plot.text }, textfont = list(color = ~trace_labels$color %||% roboplot.trace.color, size = ~trace_labels$size %||% getOption("roboplot.font.main")$size), textinfo = "percent", textposition = { if (tracetype == "scatter" & trace_labels$style == "auto") { .y <- round(g[[ticktypes$y]], max(hovertext$rounding - 2, 0)) str_replace_all(as.character(tidyr::fill(tibble(value = na_if(c(ifelse(.y[1] >= .y[2], 1, -1), sign(diff(.y))), 0)), value)$value), c(`-1` = "bottom center", `1` = "top center")) } else { case_when(trace_labels$style == "none" ~ "none", tracetype == "bar" & trace_labels$style == "mini" ~ "auto", tracetype == "bar" ~ trace_labels$style, tracetype == "scatter" & trace_labels$style == "last" ~ "middle right", tracetype == "scatter" & trace_labels$style == "auto" ~ "top center", tracetype == "pie" ~ "inside", TRUE ~ "none") } }, texttemplate = if (!quo_is_null(trace_labels$text_col)) { if (trace_labels$style == "last") { .y <- g[[as_label(trace_labels$text_col)]] .y[-length(.y)] <- "" .y } else { as.formula(str_c("~", as_label(trace_labels$text_col))) } } else if (tracetype == "pie") { NULL } else if (any(c("horizontal", "horizontalfill", "horizontalstack") %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode)) { "%{x:,.1f}" } else if (tracetype == "scatter" & trace_labels$style == "auto") { .y <- round(g[[ticktypes$y]], max(hovertext$rounding - 2, 0)) .p <- tidyr::fill(tibble(value = na_if(c(ifelse(.y[1] >= .y[2], 1, -1), sign(diff(.y))), 0)), value)$value .y <- pull(mutate(tidyr::fill(tibble(check = na_if(c(ifelse(sign(.y[2] - .y[1]) < 0, -1, 1), sign(diff(.y))), 0)), check), check = slider::slide_dbl(check, ~.x[[1]] != .x[[2]], .after = 1, .complete = T)), check) .y[c(1, length(.y))] <- 1 .y <- roboplotr_format_robotable_numeric(ifelse(.y, g[[ticktypes$y]], NA), rounding = max(hovertext$rounding - 1, 0), na_value = "") ifelse(.p > 0, str_c(.y, "\n"), str_c("\n", .y)) } else if (trace_labels$style == "last") { .y <- g[[ticktypes$y]] .y[-length(.y)] <- "" .y } else { "%{y:,.1f}" }, type = ~tracetype, values = as.formula(str_c("~", ticktypes$y)), visible = trace_visible, width = if ("horizontalfill" %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode) { } else { NULL }, x = as.formula(str_c("~", ticktypes$x)), xhoverformat = ifelse(ticktypes$xticktype == "date", ticktypes$dateformat, ""), y = as.formula(str_c("~", ifelse(!is.null(legend$maxwidth) & ticktypes$y != "value", "roboplot.trunc", ticktypes$y)))) shared_params <- c("customdata", "data", "error_x", "error_y", "hoverlabel", "hovertemplate", "legendgroup", "legendgrouptitle", "legendrank", "showlegend", "text", "textposition", "texttemplate", "type", "visible") if (!is.null(attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area)) { shared_params <- c(shared_params, "fill", "fillcolor", "opacity", "hoveron") } if (text_inside) { shared_params <- c(shared_params, "insidetextfont") } if (!is.null(trace_labels$color) | !is.null(trace_labels$size)) { shared_params <- c(shared_params, "textfont") } if (!is.null(trace_labels$size) & tracetype == "bar") { shared_params <- c(shared_params, "constraintext") } if (tracetype %in% "scatter" & any(c("line", "step", "smooth") %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode)) { plotting_params <- plotting_params[c(shared_params, "x", "y", "line", "mode", "name", "color", "xhoverformat")] } else if (tracetype == "scatter" & "scatter+line" %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode) { plotting_params <- plotting_params[c(shared_params, "x", "y", "line", "mode", "name", "marker", "color", "xhoverformat")] } else if (tracetype == "scatter" & "scatter" %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode) { plotting_params <- plotting_params[c(shared_params, "x", "y", "mode", "name", "color", "marker", "xhoverformat")] } else if (tracetype == "bar" & any(c("horizontal", "horizontalfill", "horizontalstack") %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode)) { plotting_params <- plotting_params[c(shared_params, "x", "y", "offsetgroup", "orientation", "offset", "width", "color", "name", "marker")] } else if (tracetype == "bar") { plotting_params <- plotting_params[c(shared_params, "x", "y", "offsetgroup", "name", "color", "marker", "xhoverformat")] } else if (tracetype == "pie") { plotting_params <- plotting_params[c(shared_params, "labels", "textinfo", "direction", "rotation", "sort", "marker", "values")] } if (!is.null(secondary_yaxis)) { if (as.character(unique(pull(g, { { color } }))) %in% secondary_yaxis) { plotting_params$yaxis <- "y2" } } plotting_params}): ℹ In index: 1.
#> Caused by error in `na_if()`:
#> ! could not find function "na_if"
# Use `tidy` to force legend items to have equal horizontal space across columns
# for slightly neater looking plots. Avoid if space is at premium.
energiantuonti |>
dplyr::filter(Suunta == "Tuonti") |>
legend = set_legend(tidy = TRUE)
#> Error in map(split_d, function(g) { tracetype <- unique(g$roboplot.plot.type) trace_labels <- roboplotr_trace_labels(tracetype, labels, names(d)) hoverlab <- case_when(tracetype == "pie" ~ "label", any(c("horizontal", "horizontalfill", "horizontalstack") %in% g$roboplot.plot.type) & is.null(pattern) & quo_name(color) != ticktypes$y ~ "text", TRUE ~ "customdata") hovertemplate <- roboplotr_hovertemplate(hovertext, lab = hoverlab, ticktypes) if (any(unique(pull(g, !!color)) %in% secondary_yaxis)) { legend_rank <- mean(g$roboplot.legend.rank) + max(d$roboplot.legend.rank) } else { legend_rank <- mean(g$roboplot.legend.rank) } .fontsize <- getOption("roboplot.font.main")$size g <- mutate(g, = roboplotr_alter_color(.data$roboplot.trace.color, "dark"), roboplot.tx.color = roboplotr_text_color_picker(.data$, .fontsize)) text_inside <- any(tracetype == "pie" & trace_labels$style != "none", tracetype == "bar" & trace_labels$style %in% c("mini", "auto", "inside")) if (text_inside) { if (trace_labels$style == "mini") { g <- mutate(g, = "#FFFFFF00") } else { g <- mutate(g, = roboplotr_text_color_picker(.data$roboplot.trace.color, getOption("roboplot.font.caption")$size)) } } if (!is.null(attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area)) { show.legend <- attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area$show_legend g <- mutate(g, roboplot.confidence.label = str_c(.data$roboplot.plot.text, "\n", .data[[attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area$col]]), roboplot.plot.text = .data[[attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area$col]], ) if (!is.character(g[[attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area$col]])) { legend_rank <- legend_rank + 10 + as.numeric(unique(g[[attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area$col]])) } else { legend_rank <- legend_rank + 10 + 1 } } else { if (is.null(highlight)) { if (!is.null(pattern_showlegend) & trace_showlegend) { show.legend <- pattern_showlegend[as.character(unique(g[[as_name(pattern)]]))] } else { show.legend <- trace_showlegend } } else { show.legend <- roboplotr_highlight_legend(highlight, g) } } .legendgrouptitle <- NULL if ("pie" %in% plot_type) { .legendgroup <- "pie" } else { .legendgroup <- as.character(unique(pull(g, { { color } }))) } if (!is.null(secondary_yaxis)) { if (as.character(unique(pull(g, { { color } }))) %in% secondary_yaxis) { .legendgrouptitle <- ticktypes$y2legend .legendgroup <- "R" } else { .legendgrouptitle <- ticktypes$ylegend .legendgroup <- "L" } } error_x <- NULL error_y <- NULL if (!is.null(confidence$type)) { if (confidence$type == "bars") { if (!quo_is_null(confidence$error_x)) { error_x <- list(array = confidence$error_x, color = confidence$xcolor) } if (!quo_is_null(confidence$error_y)) { error_y <- list(array = g[["roboplot.errorbar.max"]], arrayminus = g[["roboplot.errorbar.min"]], color = confidence$ycolor) } } } if (is.null(updatemenu)) { trace_visible <- T } else { trace_visible <- unique(g$ == updatemenu$selected } plotting_params <- list(color = color, constraintext = ifelse(!is.null(trace_labels$size), "none", "both"), customdata = if (!is.null(attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area)) { ~roboplot.confidence.label } else if (!quo_is_null(hovertext$col)) { as.formula(str_c("~", as_label(hovertext$col))) } else if (any(c("horizontal", "horizontalfill", "horizontalstack") %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode)) { ~roboplot.horizontal.label } else { ~roboplot.plot.text }, data = g, direction = "clockwise", error_x = error_x, error_y = error_y, fill = unlist(ifelse(!is.null(attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area), list("toself"), list(NULL))), fillcolor ~ color, hoverlabel = list(bgcolor =, bordercolor = first(unlist(unique(getOption("roboplot.grid")[c("xcolor", "ycolor")]))), font = ~append(getOption("roboplot.font.main")[c("family", "size")], list(color = roboplot.tx.color))), hoveron = "points+fills", hovertemplate = hovertemplate, insidetextfont = list(family = getOption("roboplot.font.main")$family, size = trace_labels$size %||% getOption("roboplot.font.main")$size, color =, labels = color, legendgroup = .legendgroup, legendgrouptitle = list(text = .legendgrouptitle, font = getOption("roboplot.font.main")[c("color", "family", "size")]), legendrank = legend_rank, line = ~list(width = roboplot.linewidth, dash = roboplot.dash, smoothing = attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area$smoothing %||% 0.5, shape = case_when(!is.null(attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area) ~ "spline", roboplot.plot.mode == "step" ~ "hv", roboplot.plot.mode == "smooth" ~ "spline", TRUE ~ "linear")), marker = list(colors = ~roboplot.trace.color, line = getOption("roboplot.trace.border"), symbol = markers$symbol, size = markers$size, pattern = ~list(shape = roboplot.pattern)), mode = { .mode <- str_replace_all(unique(g$roboplot.plot.mode), c(`^smooth$` = "lines", `^line$` = "lines", `^step$` = "lines", `^scatter$` = "markers", `scatter\\+line` = "markers+lines")) if (tracetype == "scatter" & trace_labels$style != "none") { .mode <- str_c(.mode, "+text") } .mode }, name = ~if (!is.null(legend$maxwidth)) { str_trunc(as.character(roboplot.plot.text), legend$maxwidth) } else { roboplot.plot.text }, offset = if ("horizontalfill" %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode) { } else { NULL }, offsetgroup = ~str_c(roboplot.pattern, roboplot.trace.color), opacity = attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area$opacity, orientation = ifelse(any(c("horizontal", "horizontalfill", "horizontalstack") %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode) & "bar" %in% g$roboplot.plot.type, "h", "v"), rotation = rotation, showlegend = show.legend, sort = F, text = if (any(c("horizontal", "horizontalfill", "horizontalstack") %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode)) { ~roboplot.horizontal.label } else { ~roboplot.plot.text }, textfont = list(color = ~trace_labels$color %||% roboplot.trace.color, size = ~trace_labels$size %||% getOption("roboplot.font.main")$size), textinfo = "percent", textposition = { if (tracetype == "scatter" & trace_labels$style == "auto") { .y <- round(g[[ticktypes$y]], max(hovertext$rounding - 2, 0)) str_replace_all(as.character(tidyr::fill(tibble(value = na_if(c(ifelse(.y[1] >= .y[2], 1, -1), sign(diff(.y))), 0)), value)$value), c(`-1` = "bottom center", `1` = "top center")) } else { case_when(trace_labels$style == "none" ~ "none", tracetype == "bar" & trace_labels$style == "mini" ~ "auto", tracetype == "bar" ~ trace_labels$style, tracetype == "scatter" & trace_labels$style == "last" ~ "middle right", tracetype == "scatter" & trace_labels$style == "auto" ~ "top center", tracetype == "pie" ~ "inside", TRUE ~ "none") } }, texttemplate = if (!quo_is_null(trace_labels$text_col)) { if (trace_labels$style == "last") { .y <- g[[as_label(trace_labels$text_col)]] .y[-length(.y)] <- "" .y } else { as.formula(str_c("~", as_label(trace_labels$text_col))) } } else if (tracetype == "pie") { NULL } else if (any(c("horizontal", "horizontalfill", "horizontalstack") %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode)) { "%{x:,.1f}" } else if (tracetype == "scatter" & trace_labels$style == "auto") { .y <- round(g[[ticktypes$y]], max(hovertext$rounding - 2, 0)) .p <- tidyr::fill(tibble(value = na_if(c(ifelse(.y[1] >= .y[2], 1, -1), sign(diff(.y))), 0)), value)$value .y <- pull(mutate(tidyr::fill(tibble(check = na_if(c(ifelse(sign(.y[2] - .y[1]) < 0, -1, 1), sign(diff(.y))), 0)), check), check = slider::slide_dbl(check, ~.x[[1]] != .x[[2]], .after = 1, .complete = T)), check) .y[c(1, length(.y))] <- 1 .y <- roboplotr_format_robotable_numeric(ifelse(.y, g[[ticktypes$y]], NA), rounding = max(hovertext$rounding - 1, 0), na_value = "") ifelse(.p > 0, str_c(.y, "\n"), str_c("\n", .y)) } else if (trace_labels$style == "last") { .y <- g[[ticktypes$y]] .y[-length(.y)] <- "" .y } else { "%{y:,.1f}" }, type = ~tracetype, values = as.formula(str_c("~", ticktypes$y)), visible = trace_visible, width = if ("horizontalfill" %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode) { } else { NULL }, x = as.formula(str_c("~", ticktypes$x)), xhoverformat = ifelse(ticktypes$xticktype == "date", ticktypes$dateformat, ""), y = as.formula(str_c("~", ifelse(!is.null(legend$maxwidth) & ticktypes$y != "value", "roboplot.trunc", ticktypes$y)))) shared_params <- c("customdata", "data", "error_x", "error_y", "hoverlabel", "hovertemplate", "legendgroup", "legendgrouptitle", "legendrank", "showlegend", "text", "textposition", "texttemplate", "type", "visible") if (!is.null(attributes(g)$roboplot.confidence.area)) { shared_params <- c(shared_params, "fill", "fillcolor", "opacity", "hoveron") } if (text_inside) { shared_params <- c(shared_params, "insidetextfont") } if (!is.null(trace_labels$color) | !is.null(trace_labels$size)) { shared_params <- c(shared_params, "textfont") } if (!is.null(trace_labels$size) & tracetype == "bar") { shared_params <- c(shared_params, "constraintext") } if (tracetype %in% "scatter" & any(c("line", "step", "smooth") %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode)) { plotting_params <- plotting_params[c(shared_params, "x", "y", "line", "mode", "name", "color", "xhoverformat")] } else if (tracetype == "scatter" & "scatter+line" %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode) { plotting_params <- plotting_params[c(shared_params, "x", "y", "line", "mode", "name", "marker", "color", "xhoverformat")] } else if (tracetype == "scatter" & "scatter" %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode) { plotting_params <- plotting_params[c(shared_params, "x", "y", "mode", "name", "color", "marker", "xhoverformat")] } else if (tracetype == "bar" & any(c("horizontal", "horizontalfill", "horizontalstack") %in% g$roboplot.plot.mode)) { plotting_params <- plotting_params[c(shared_params, "x", "y", "offsetgroup", "orientation", "offset", "width", "color", "name", "marker")] } else if (tracetype == "bar") { plotting_params <- plotting_params[c(shared_params, "x", "y", "offsetgroup", "name", "color", "marker", "xhoverformat")] } else if (tracetype == "pie") { plotting_params <- plotting_params[c(shared_params, "labels", "textinfo", "direction", "rotation", "sort", "marker", "values")] } if (!is.null(secondary_yaxis)) { if (as.character(unique(pull(g, { { color } }))) %in% secondary_yaxis) { plotting_params$yaxis <- "y2" } } plotting_params}): ℹ In index: 1.
#> Caused by error in `na_if()`:
#> ! could not find function "na_if"
# `set_legend()` works with `robomap()` too, but with a bit different parameters.
if (requireNamespace("sf", quietly = TRUE)) {
d <- vaesto_postinumeroittain |>
dplyr::filter(stringr::str_detect(Postinumero, "^00(8|9)"))
# Control number of legend items with `breaks`. `robomap()` attempts to use that
# many items, but might settle for a near value.
d |> robomap(Postinumero, "Väkiluku", legend = set_legend(breaks = 5))
# If your legend won't be gradient, you can set specific breakpoints
d |>
legend = set_legend(breaks = c(9000, 12000, 18000), gradient = FALSE))
# Adjust position and opacity.
d |>
legend = set_legend(position = "bottomright", opacity = 0.3))
# Use factor column as value to have labeled legend.
d |>
value = dplyr::case_when(
value >= stats::quantile(d$value)["75%"] ~ "Suuri",
value <= stats::quantile(d$value)["25%"] ~ "Pieni",
TRUE ~ "Normaali"
value = forcats::fct_relevel(value, "Pieni","Normaali","Suuri")
) |>
robomap(Postinumero, "V\u00e4kiluku")
#> Warning: Some values were outside the color scale and will be treated as NA