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roboplotr 2.5.2

  • Fixes roboplot()s sometimes losing legends on render with no apparent reason, only to reappear.
  • Fixes roboplot() failing to handle frequency attribute of length 2+.
  • Fixes roboplot(confidence_area = set_confidence_area("area"), plot_mode = "smooth") failing to draw the confidence area.
  • roboplot() legend size is now tied to the size of legend font size.

roboplotr 2.5.1

roboplotr 2.5.0

  • Adds label param to roboplot() along with the corresponding set_label() function for trace labeling control.
  • Fixes roboplot(plot_mode = "horizontalfill") not sorting the bars correclty by color.

roboplotr 2.4.7

roboplotr 2.4.6

roboplotr 2.4.5

  • Fixes autorange relayouts for roboplot()s and various other axis range issues.
  • Fixes robomap() legends not having the proper range when all values in map data fall between <1 and >-1.

roboplotr 2.4.4

roboplotr 2.4.3

roboplotr 2.4.2

  • Allows for artefacts downloaded through the resulting html roboplotto be named separately from the plot with set_modebar(title), and set the artefact titles globally with set_roboplot_options().
  • Fixes roboplot() not respecting globally set set_title(xref).
  • Improvements in roboplot(xaxis_ceiling), the shorthand property that works similarly to set_axes(xlim).
  • Improved behavior of roboplot() zerolines and shadeareas.

roboplotr 2.4.1

  • Fixes roboplot() too tight top margin when there is a subtitle without a title.
  • Makes it explicit that roboplot() must be provided either color, or title with string length of 1+.

roboplotr 2.4.0

  • Fixes robotable() date columns and roboplot() data downloads for dates not formatting leading zeroes properly on windows.
  • Adds the options to anchor roboplot() titles and captions to left container edge instead of left plot edge with param xref in set_title() and set_caption() respectively. You can set them globally with set_roboplot_options().
  • Makes set_roboplot_option(override_webshot) default to FALSE.
  • Removes the necessity of manually setting ticktypes with set_axes() when you are not using a numeric “value” and date “time”-columns.

roboplotr 2.3.2

  • Fixes robotable() not being able to handle data with no numeric columns.
  • Fixes robomap() having duplicate hover labels when values and areas refer to same factor levels.
  • Fixes robomap() not respecting caption = NA properly.

roboplotr 2.3.1

roboplotr 2.3.0

  • Added option to save named roboplot options with set_roboplot_options(.defaults = "name") and load them with set_roboplot_options(reset = "name").
  • Added option to use these named roboplot options directly in roboplot()s with roboplot(roboplot_options = "name").
  • Fixes create_widget() not respecting sizing.
  • create_widget() now overrides new_session_screenshot() from webshot2 to correctly scale pdf artefacts.
  • Some improved axis controls in set_axes().

roboplotr 2.2.1

  • Plotly version updated to 2.35.2 to allow for layer = "between" for zerolines and shadeareas. Not yet supported when used in shinyapps.
  • Fixes roboplot() not respecting zeroline when it is set to F.
  • Fixes roboplot() not omitting legend when legend is not specified and trace number is 1.
  • Adds zeroline color and width control to roboplot() in addition to setting them globally with set_roboplot_options().
  • Fixes create_widget() not using hidden plot titles as default filenames.
  • Adds option to omit the caption from roboplot with caption = NA (or caption = set_caption(NA)).
  • Adds option to specify tick label angle with plot_axes(xangle, yangle).
  • Adds option to somewhat control x-axis labels with plot_axes(xanchor, xstep) when the x-axis consists of dates.

roboplotr 2.1.4

  • Removed robomap() modebar button for static map downloads, as shinyapps and chrome have issues with it.
  • Fix robomap() logo positioning.

roboplotr 2.1.3

  • Fix for roboplot artefact dimensions.
  • Improves robomap() legend and color controls, and allows for factor data in the value column of the used data.

roboplotr 2.1.2

  • Fixes for robomap() labeling and map downloads.

roboplotr 2.1.1

  • roboplot() confidence_intervals now accepts column labeling the y-axis values as a factor level for the intervals, allowing for just pivoting your data. You can still use NA for the label referring to baseline.
  • Various visual changes in robomap() to better align it with visuals of roboplots and robotables.

roboplotr 2.1.0

  • Deprecation of error_bars param in roboplot() and the related function set_errorbars() in favor of confidence_interval and set_confidence_interval(). The new function handles both error bars and continuous areas.
  • Added set_updatemenus() for roboplot() to allow for more dropdowns for controlling displayed traces. Especially useful with a large number of legend items.
  • Fixes set_pattern() param pattern_along not working properly in all use cases.
  • Moved several Imports to Suggests, mainly for robomap().

roboplotr 2.0.2

roboplotr 2.0.1

  • Fix for set_hovertext() param text_col affecting legend labeling.
  • Fix for robotable() rounding dropping decimals from whole numbers instead of using the given rounding.

roboplotr 2.0.0

  • shinyapp-parameter in roboplot() and set_roboplot_options() has been reworked to align with how it actually works. This is a breaking change.
  • Changes in roboplotr internal validation. This is a breaking change.
  • Fix for Google fonts not showing on `robotable()```. Loosened font restrictions.
  • Added preDraw callback to robotable() that forces core DataTables css to load properly.
  • Improved roboplot() logo handling when set to “none”.
  • Added set_legend() for specifying robomap() and roboplot() legend appearance.
  • Added support for legend_position = “right” for roboplot().

roboplotr 1.8.3

  • Static image downloads font size and top margin fix.

roboplotr 1.8.2

  • Fixes roboplot() pie plots erroneously trying to use a secondary_yaxis.

roboplotr 1.8.1

  • Fixes documentation entries, data ordering issues and language.

roboplotr 1.8

  • robotable now correctly displays background color.
  • roboplot relayout fixes for various plot types.
  • roboplot legend order fix to respect factor levels both for legend and trace order (first level is the topmost trace, bar traces are behind scatter and line traces). Using secondary_yaxis will mess up trace order on plots, but not on legends.
  • added function set_modebar() for modebar control in roboplots, adding visibility controls both globally and by plot. Not yet supported by robotable.
  • set_roboplot_options() can now save current options as defaults with .defaults = T, and reset = T uses these defaults if they are set. You can also use reset = T simultaneously with setting new options.
  • added option of using set_roboplot_options() param logo_file as “none”.

roboplotr 1.7.1

  • Improved plot rescaling
  • Modebar and rangeslider properly removed from static plots.

roboplotr 1.7

  • Added parameter tidy_legend to roboplot(). You might what to make all legend items the same width, regardless of the string length. It is probably better to make the plots tall enough, as wider legend items might cause issues when resizing.
  • Reworked internal resizing scripts to handle corner cases better, and improved scaling of y-axis of shadeareas, and the plot when using a rangeslider.

roboplotr 1.6

  • Completely reworked how secondary y-axis is added to roboplot()s, with much more fine-grained control and improved handling of yaxis when resizing.
  • Reworked map palette specifications for robomap() to accept set_heatmap() when you want to explicitly set color breaks, and added legend_breaks where you can either specify the number of legend items or the breakpoints of robomap().
  • Added more font controls to set_axes().


  • set_pattern showlegend hotfix.

roboplotr 1.5.1

  • set_pattern continuous pattern bug fix.
  • set_pattern showlegend fix when legend_position is set to NA (no legend).

roboplotr 1.5

  • robotable options for enabling / disabling filtering and searching, and column width control.
  • robotable font size fix

roboplotr 1.4.11

  • robotable set_heatmap option added to define color for NA values.
  • robotable option added to control table class from given selection.

roboplotr 1.4.10

  • Fix for internal text color picker.
  • roboplot option to specify only a single trace color added.
  • robomap option to disable zoom added.

roboplotr 1.4.9

  • Roboplot dependency and css fixes for Quarto renders.
  • Artefact creation integration to robotable.
  • Documentation and example fixes.
  • Improved accessibility for label text colors.

roboplotr 1.4.8

  • Legend item horizontal spacing improvement.

roboplotr 1.4.7

  • roboplot hoverlabel fixes for font, color and xhoverlabel.

roboplotr 1.4.6

  • roboplot scripts for legend layout improved.
  • robomap option to omit legend added.
  • robotable title tag type change for quarto compatibility.

roboplotr 1.4.5

  • robotable parameter dateformat added for user-defined date formats.

roboplotr 1.4.4

  • robotable lengthMenu better aligned with data
  • set_pattern to give more verbose message to alert user of the usage.

roboplotr 1.4.3

  • Caption and logo positioning fix when no legend exists.
  • Removed the need for specified container when running shiny apps. Roboplot creates an observer to detect changes in visibility.
  • Shadearea accounts for xaxis upper bound if one exists.

roboplotr 1.4.2

  • Axes with ticktype of “character” sorting fixed.
  • Added the “horizontalstack” for plot_mode options available for a horizontal bar plot.
  • Added the “markers” as parameter for roboplot, along with set_marker() to use it.
  • Added the “error_bars” as parameter for roboplot, along with set_errorbars() to use it.
  • roboplot() xaxis_ceiling fix.
  • legend, caption and logo positioning fixes


  • minor addition for set_shadearea usage example.

roboplotr 1.4.1

  • create_widget to replace roboplot_create_widget (in name only)
  • Fixes for readme examples and pkgdown contents.
  • Fix for roboplot scripts to adjust caption and logo position when there are no xaxis labels.
  • Numerous documentation fixes.


  • Added missing webshot2 dependency.

roboplotr 1.4

  • Completely reworked static file automation, separating it from modebar. Allows for special fonts in static files.
  • Added set_shadearea() (and roboplot(shadearea)) to add a highlight area to plots.
  • Reworked zeroline handling somewhat, adding set_zeroline() to use with set_roboplot_options(zeroline) to control the appearance of zeroline.
  • Added param text_col to set_hovertext() that can be used to set what roboplot() uses for labeling (mainly the hoverlabels).
  • Info texts improvement (may use HTML).
  • Remove html tags from data when downloading the data from image.
  • Improved logo and caption positioning in relation to each other and the legend box.
  • Plotly partial bundle switched to 2.28.0 to allow for usage of dashtypes in gridlines (only when set_roboplot_options(shinyapp = F)).


  • Improved control for plot mode by trace.


  • Font fallback crash fix for websafe fonts.


  • Examples fix for set_caption(). Fix for multiple font css definitions. Added Google Font support for fonts. Still won’t work with downloaded pngs (or svgs).


  • set_locale fix.

roboplotr 1.3.4

  • roboplot_set_options control for infobox appearance. Roboplot fix to accept integer columns for numeric axes.


  • Roboplot pattern and dashtype control fix. Roboplot and robotable infobutton popup fixes.


  • Roboplot modebar color fix.


  • Robomap legend numeric handling fix.

roboplotr 1.3.3

  • Roboplot gets info_text parameter to be shown with the modebar info button. Robomap legend fix, data_contour fix, legend fix, rounding fix. Robotable labeling change, alignment change and infopop to allow HTML tags. Roboplot left margin change, named plot modes bug fix, modebar label right margin fix.


  • Hovermode fix.


  • Dependency fix.


  • Robomap log scale fix, roboplot default left margin change. Relating to a plotly bug, a change to default hovermode on some bar charts to show hovertemplate on undrawn bars.


  • Robomap dependency fixes.

roboplotr 1.3.2

  • Initial work for robomap data contour maps. This provides a smoother transition and helps in visualizing general trends across regions.

roboplotr 1.3.1

  • Added plot-specific pattern control. NA-control for numerics in robotable. Robomap visualization improvements.

roboplotr 1.3.0

  • Initialized robomap, automated leaflet map creation. Robotable modebar and heatmap across numeric columns.

roboplotr 1.2.6

  • Robotable infobutton initial code, css fixes. Title omission possible for robotable.

roboplotr 1.2.5

  • Robotable navigation for length and filter css fix.

roboplotr 1.2.4

  • Robotable navigation for length and filter css fix.

roboplotr 1.2.3

  • Rewrite how robotables handle css.

roboplotr 1.2.2

  • Preliminary work for robotable plotly-like modebar, improved number formats, and logo support.

roboplotr 1.2.1

  • Commit fix for missing robotable files.

roboplotr 1.2.0

  • Added set_title for controlling for controlling if the plot title will be displayed on the plot. Plot title will still be on any png downloads.
  • Fixed plot axis limit bug introduced in 1.0.0.
  • Fixed border width control bug.
  • Initialized automated DT table creation

roboplotr 1.1.1

  • Documentation fixes for plot caption and roboplot options.

roboplotr 1.1.0

  • Added the possibility of using log scale on numeric axes.

roboplotr 1.0.0

  • Initialized versioning of roboplotr with the current stable version.
  • Reworked how x-axis tickmarks are formatted for zoom levels for timeseries of different frequencies.
  • Disabled x-axis range control when rangeslider is used.


  • Added a file to track changes to the package.