Parameters to configure axis settings in roboplots. Includes options for specifying axis columns, formatting, titles, limits, and font settings, as well as handling secondary y-axes.
y = NULL,
x = NULL,
yticktype = NULL,
xticktype = NULL,
ytitle = "",
xtitle = "",
yformat = NULL,
xformat = NULL,
ylim = c(NA, NA),
xlim = c(NA, NA),
yfont = NULL,
xfont = NULL,
xangle = NULL,
yangle = NULL,
y2 = NULL,
y2font = NULL,
ylegend = NULL,
y2title = "",
y2legend = NULL,
xanchor = NULL,
xstep = NULL
- x, y
Character. Names of columns from
in roboplot for the axes. Defaults to "time" and "value".- xticktype, yticktype
Characters. Axis formatting: "character", "date", or "numeric". Defaults to "date" and "numeric".
- xtitle, ytitle, y2title
Character. Titles for the axes.
- xformat, yformat
Character. Formatting for axis tick text. Use d3 time format for dates and d3 number format for numbers.
- xlim, ylim
Vector of length 2. Axis limits. Should match the axis values in the plot by type.
- xfont, yfont, y2font
Functions. Use
. Secondary y-axis uses the main y-axis font size but allows separate family and color.- xangle, yangle
Numeric. Angle for axis tick text.
- y2
Character vector. Observations from
in plots using a secondary y-axis.- ylegend, y2legend
Characters. Labels for legend title when
is given.- xanchor
Date. Only usable for date x-axes. Sets the point at which tick marks are drawn from. Must provide xstep.
- xstep
Numeric. The interval of tick marks for date x-axes in months. Must provide xstart.
# The primary usage is for creating horizontal bar plots when combining the
# roboplotr::roboplot plot_axes control with plot_mode "horizontal".
set_roboplot_options(caption_template = "Lähde: {text}.")
d <- energiantuonti |>
dplyr::filter(Alue %in% c("USA","Norja","Iso-Britannia"))
attr(d, "frequency") <- "Quarterly"
# Control the plot axes with roboplotr::set_axes, setting the columns
# from roboplotr::roboplot variable 'd' as the axis data sources with 'x' and
# 'y', and possible define ticktypes with 'xticktype' and 'yticktype'. The latter
# is not mandatory, though.
d |> dplyr::filter(time == max(time)) |>
stringr::str_glue("Energian tuonti {lubridate::year(max(d$time))}"),
"Milj. €","Tilastokeskus",
plot_type = "bar",
plot_mode = "horizontal",
plot_axes = set_axes(
y = "Alue",
yticktype = "character",
x = "value",
xticktype = "numeric")
# You can use `xtitle` and `ytitle` to provide labeling for axis titles,
# and control the axis format with d3 time (
# and number ( -formatted vectors for `xlim`
# and 'ylim'. These are not typechecked by `roboplot()`, but must match the
# corresponding axis values. Alter axis tick labels' angle with `xangle` and `yangle`.
d |>
dplyr::filter(Suunta == "Tuonti") |>
roboplot(Alue,"Energian tuonti","Milj. €","Tilastokeskus",
plot_axes = set_axes(
ytitle = "Arvo",
xformat = "Y%y",
yformat = "+$05,",
ylim = c(-200,1500),
xlim = c("2015-01-01","2023-01-01"),
yangle = 45,
xangle = 66
# You can use `set_axes(xanchor, xstep)` to control xaxis ticks for date axes. Use
# `xanchor` to set the point at which tick marks are drawn from, and `xstep` to set the
# interval in months. Use NA for numeric axis limits to derive one end from data.
d |> dplyr::filter(Suunta == "Tuonti") |>
roboplot(Alue,"Energian tuonti","Milj. €","Tilastokeskus",
plot_axes = set_axes(
xanchor = as.Date("2020-01-01"),
xstep = 12,
ylim = c(-120, NA)
# Additionally, you may use logartihmic axis for any numeric variable used in
# `plot_axes```.
d |>
dplyr::filter(Suunta == "Tuonti") |>
roboplot(Alue,"Energian tuonti","Milj. €","Tilastokeskus",
plot_axes = set_axes(yticktype = "log")
# Providing a vector of strings matching observations from `roboplot()` param
# `color` as `y2` will add a secondary y-axis. Any provided `zeroline`does not
# work for both axes at the time.
d |>
dplyr::filter(Suunta == "Tuonti", Alue %in% c("Iso-Britannia","Norja")) |>
"Energian tuonti",
"Milj. \u20AC",
plot_axes = set_axes(y2 = "Iso-Britannia"))
# Giving no observations that match param `color` in `roboplot()` fails.
d2 <- d |>
dplyr::filter(Suunta == "Tuonti",
Alue %in% c("Iso-Britannia", "Norja"))
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
d2 |>
"Energian tuonti",
"Milj. \u20AC",
plot_axes = set_axes(y2 = "USA"))
} # }
# You might want to override the default axis reference labels that are added
# to legend. Using them without giving any items in `y2` does nothing. You probably
# want to explicitly reorder the observations.
d2 |>
dplyr::mutate(Alue = forcats::fct_relevel(Alue, "Iso-Britannia","Norja")) |>
"Energian tuonti",
"Milj. \u20AC",
plot_axes = set_axes(
y2 = "Iso-Britannia",
ylegend = "1.",
y2legend = "2."
# Or maybe you only have two observations and you want to match them by color
# instead of labeling.
d2 |>
dplyr::mutate(Alue = forcats::fct_relevel(Alue, "Iso-Britannia","Norja")) |>
"Energian tuonti",
"Milj. \u20AC",
plot_axes = set_axes(
y2 = "Iso-Britannia",
yfont = set_font(color = getOption("roboplot.colors.traces")[2]),
y2font = set_font(color = getOption("roboplot.colors.traces")[1]),
ylegend = "",
y2legend = ""
# Or you could use the axis titles to differentiate between the observations.
# This might be especially appropriate if the values are on a completely different
# scale.
d2 |>
dplyr::mutate(Alue = forcats::fct_relevel(Alue, "Iso-Britannia","Norja")) |>
dplyr::mutate(value = ifelse(Alue == "Norja", value / 1000, value)) |>
"Energian tuonti",
caption = "Tilastokeskus",
plot_axes = set_axes(
y2 = "Iso-Britannia",
ytitle = "Norja, Mrd. €",
y2title = "Iso-Britannia, Milj €",
ylegend = "",
y2legend = ""
# `set_axes()` also gives the user fine-grained control for plots where there
# might not be data in a format that is directly transferable to date or numeric
# format.
d2 <- dplyr::tribble(
~time, ~value,
"2021 Jan-Oct", 7.2,
"Jan-Nov", 6.0,
"Jan-Dec", 4.4,
"2022 Jan-Feb", 3.7,
"Jan-Mar", 0.7,
"Jan-Apr", -2.7,
"Jan-May", -4.0,
"Jan-Jun", -5.4,
"Jan-Jul", -6.4,
"Jan-Aug", -7.4,
"Jan-Sep", -8.0,
"Jan-Oct", -8.8
caption_template = "Source: {text}."
d2 |>
roboplotr::roboplot(title = "Growth Rate of Investment",
caption = "National bureau of statistics, China",
plot_axes = set_axes(xticktype = "character"))
# Or you might have numeric data on both axes. `roboplot()` will draw any
# traces in the order they appear in the data, so it is up to the user to
# order the traces properly.
d3 <- dplyr::tibble(time =
seq.Date(from = lubridate::floor_date(
lubridate::today(), "years"
to = lubridate::floor_date(lubridate::today(),"years"),
by = "year"),
obs1 = round(runif(11, min = 0, max = 120),1),
value = round(runif(11, min = -120, max = 120),1))
d3 |> dplyr::arrange(obs1, value) |>
roboplotr::roboplot(title = "Random values",
caption = "Robonomist",
plot_axes = set_axes(
x = "obs1",
xticktype = "numeric"))
caption_template = "Lähde {text}."
# You might just want to switch the axes for time and value
d |> dplyr::filter(Suunta == "Tuonti") |>
roboplotr::roboplot(Alue, "Energian tuonti","Milj. €", "Tilastokeskus",
plot_axes = set_axes(
y = "time",
yticktype = "date",
x = "value",
xticktype = "numeric"
# Or you might want to draw character strings on some axis.
d |> dplyr::filter(Suunta == "Tuonti") |>
roboplotr::roboplot(Alue, "Energian tuonti","Milj. €", "Tilastokeskus",
plot_axes = set_axes(
y = "Alue",
yticktype = "character",
x = "value",
xticktype = "numeric"
# Making a reasonable line plot like this is a challenge, though, and you are
# better off with a horizontal bar plot.
d |>
dplyr::filter(Suunta == "Tuonti", time == max(time)) |>
roboplotr::roboplot(Alue, "Energian tuonti","Milj. €", "Tilastokeskus",
plot_type = "bar",
plot_mode = "horizontalfill",
plot_axes = set_axes(
y = "Alue",
yticktype = "character",
x = "value",
xticktype = "numeric"
# Revert to defaults:
set_roboplot_options(reset = TRUE)