This function wraps numerous Plotly features into a single, well-parametrized interface. It also manages complex Plotly tasks, such as resizing and customization, simplifying the creation of advanced visualizations.
d = NULL,
color = NULL,
title = NULL,
subtitle = "",
caption = NULL,
legend = NULL,
trace_color = NULL,
highlight = NULL,
zeroline = FALSE,
rangeslider = FALSE,
pattern = NULL,
line_width = getOption("roboplot.linewidth"),
hovertext = NULL,
plot_type = "scatter",
plot_mode = NULL,
plot_axes = set_axes(),
markers = set_markers(),
height = getOption("roboplot.height"),
error_bars = deprecated(),
confidence_interval = NULL,
facet_split = NULL,
xaxis_ceiling = getOption("roboplot.xaxis.ceiling"),
width = getOption("roboplot.width"),
shadearea = NULL,
secondary_yaxis = NULL,
modebar = NULL,
labels = NULL,
artefacts = getOption("roboplot.artefacts")$auto,
info_text = NULL,
updatemenu = NULL,
zoom = getOption("roboplot.zoom"),
roboplot_options = NULL,
legend_position = deprecated(),
legend_maxwidth = deprecated(),
- d
Data frame. Data to be plotted with at least "time" (Date or POSIXt) and "value" (numeric) columns. Other columns can be specified using
.- color
Symbol or string. Column from
to use for trace color. If NULL,title
text is used for color and hover labels.- title, caption
Characters or functions. Labels for plot elements. Use set_title(include = FALSE) to omit the title from the displayed plot but include it in modebar downloads, or alter the title's relative positioning. When using set_title(include = FALSE), you probably want to include a
's internal use. Useset_caption()
to override any caption defaults set withset_roboplot_options()
.- subtitle
Character. Label for plot element.
- legend
Character or function. Use
. If character, use "bottom", or NA for no legend. The legend is removed by default ifcolor
has only one observation.- trace_color
Character vector, named if length > 1. Trace colors. When named, must correspond to values in column in
referenced bycolor
.- highlight
Numeric or list. Determines if a trace is included in the legend and assigned a color. Traces with
max(value) < highlight
are given a trace color matching the grid color and removed from the legend. Will not work with multiple patterns.- zeroline
Logical or numeric. TRUE to include zeroline, or numeric for exact placement.
- rangeslider
Logical or character in %Y-%m-%d format. TRUE to include a rangeslider, or a date string for the start date.
- pattern
Symbol or string. Column from
to use for scatter plot linetype or bar plot pattern. Not supported for pie charts. Useset_pattern()
for detailed control.- line_width
Numeric vector, named if length > 1. Line width. When named, must correspond to values in column in
referenced bycolor
.- hovertext
Function. Hovertext configuration parameters. Use
.- plot_type
Character vector, named if length > 1. Determines the trace type for the plot or variables defined by
.- plot_mode
Character vector, named if length > 1. Controls plot specifics along with
. Available modes vary byplot_type
. Forplot_type
"scatter", the available modes are "line" "scatter", "smooth", "step" and "scatter+line". Forplot_type
of "bar", the available modes are "dodge" "stack", "horizontal", "horizontalfill" and "horizontalstack". Forplot_type
"pie", the available modes are "normal" and "rotated".- plot_axes
Function. Axis configuration. Use
.- markers
Function. Marker appearance parameters. Use
.- height, width
Numeric. Height and width of the plot. Default width is NA for responsive plots.
- error_bars
Deprecated. Use
instead.- confidence_interval
Function. Confidence layer configuration. Use
.- facet_split
Currently unused. Variable from
for facet splits.- xaxis_ceiling
Character or date. Sets or rounds the upper bound of the x-axis for non-bar plots. Use "guess" for automatic ceiling based on the data. use "days", "weeks", "months", "quarters" or "years" for giving that much room, preceded with a number like "2 weeks", for a specific amount of time. Use "default" for the default set with
.- shadearea
Date, numeric or function. Highlight an area on the plot. Use
for detailed control. Works with numeric or date x-axis and numeric y-axis.- secondary_yaxis
Character vector. Observations from
using a secondary y-axis. Useplot_axes
for more control.- modebar
Function. Use
.- labels
Function. Use
. Control labels on plot traces. Use paramstitle
etc. to control other labels.- artefacts
Logical or function. Use
for detailed control. TRUE for automated artefact creation based onset_roboplot_options()
.- info_text
Character. Adds an info button to the modebar with this text, along with plot title and caption.
Function. Use
for detailed control.- zoom
Character of function. Use
, or give "none", "scroll", or "drag".- roboplot_options
Character. A name of roboplot options set with
. See documentation ofset_roboplot_options()
for details.- legend_position
Deprecated. Character. Use
instead.- legend_maxwidth
Deprecated. Numeric. Use
instead.- ...
Placeholder for other parameters.
# The default use for `roboplot()` is for line charts. Providing
# a title is mandatory, subtitle and color is optional but very likely
# necessary. Use `set_roboplot_options()` to control the various global options.
d <- energiantuonti |>
dplyr::filter(Alue %in% c("USA","Norja","Iso-Britannia"))
d1 <- d |> dplyr::filter(Suunta == "Tuonti")
d1 |> roboplot(color = Alue,
title = "Energian tuonti",
subtitle = "Milj. \u20AC",
caption = "Lähde: Tilastokeskus.")
# Legend will automatically be omitted if only a single observation exists
# for `color` is unless legend_position is given (currently only "bottom"
# works). Caption may be further specified with the helper function
# `set_caption()` (see documentation for more control).
d1 |>
dplyr::filter(Alue == "Iso-Britannia") |>
roboplot(Alue,"Energian tuonti Yhdistyneest\uE4 kuningaskunnasta","Milj. \u20AC",
caption = set_caption(text = "Tilastokeskus")
# You can also use `set_roboplot_options()` to preconstruct some caption texts.
caption_template = "{prepend}.<br>Source: {caption}.<br>{append}.")
#> Warning: The `caption_template` argument of `set_roboplot_options()` is deprecated as of
#> roboplotr 2.4.0.
#> ℹ Please use the `caption` argument instead.
d1 |>
roboplot(Alue, "Energy import","Million euros",
caption = set_caption(
prepend ="Canada",
caption = "Statistics Finland",
append = paste0("(Customs Finland, International trade ",
"statistics;<br>Radiation and Nuclear Safety ",
"Authority; Gasum LLC)")))
# Reset to defaults
set_roboplot_options(reset = TRUE)
# You can omit caption by setting it to NA.
d1 |> roboplot(Alue, "Energian tuonti","Milj. \u20AC",caption = NA)
# Legend can also be omitted by giving `legend_position` of NA. Height and
# width can also be specified, while for most uses width specification is
# unnecessary, as roboplotr is designed for plots with responsive widths.
d1 |> roboplot(Alue,"Energian tuonti","Milj. \u20AC","Tilastokeskus",
legend = set_legend(position = NA),
height = 600,
width = 400
# For a long list of legend items, use `updatemenu`. See the documentation
# of `set_updatemenu()` function for more control.
energiantuonti |> roboplot(color = Suunta, updatemenu = Alue)
# `pattern` can be used in addition to color and you can control the ordering of
# the traces by transforming your variables to factors. You can also let
# `roboplot()` guess how much space is given to yaxis end in line plots, or give a
# string such as "weeks" or "days" with `xaxis_ceiling`. Message about missing
# frequency can be silenced by setting the information as an attribute.
d2 <- d |> dplyr::mutate(Alue = forcats::fct_reorder(Alue, value))
attr(d2, "frequency") <- "Quarterly"
d2 |> roboplot(Alue,"Energian tuonti ja vienti","Milj. \u20AC","Tilastokeskus",
pattern = Suunta,
xaxis_ceiling = "guess")
# Bar plots use `pattern` too.
d2 |> roboplot(Alue,"Energian tuonti ja vienti","Milj. \u20AC","Tilastokeskus",
pattern = Suunta,
plot_type = "bar")
# Use `set_pattern()` if you want more options. See documentation for a more
# detailed explanation.
d2 |> roboplot(Alue,"Energian tuonti ja vienti","Milj. \u20AC","Tilastokeskus",
pattern = set_pattern(pattern = Suunta, sep = " - "),
xaxis_ceiling = "guess")
# Scatter plots and bar plot may be combined, and colors determined by
# trace by giving named character vectors as the appropriate arguments.
# Barmode or scatter type is controlled by `plot_mode`.
d1 |> roboplot(Alue,"Energian tuonti ja vienti","Milj. \u20AC","Tilastokeskus",
trace_color = c("USA" = "red","Norja" = "blue", .other = "black"),
plot_type = c("Norja" = "scatter","USA" = "bar",".other" = "scatter"),
plot_mode = c("Iso-Britannia" = "scatter",
"Norja" = "scatter+line", ".bar" = "dodge",
".scatter" = "line"
# If you omit ".other" from the trace colors,` roboplot()` will give the rest of
# of the traces colors from the default colors set in `set_roboplot_options()`
d1 |> roboplot(Alue,"Energian tuonti ja vienti","Milj. \u20AC","Tilastokeskus",
trace_color = c("USA" = "pink"))
# But if you need more control, you're better off just excplicity specifying
# the colors.
d1 |> roboplot(Alue,"Energian tuonti ja vienti","Milj. \u20AC","Tilastokeskus",
trace_color =
stats::setNames(c("#0052A5", "darkred", "#D52B1E"),
# With single "time" observation x-axis tickmarks lose tick labels. There are
# several places where this information fits nicely.
d3 <- d2 |> dplyr::filter(time == max(time))
d3 |>
"Energian tuonti ja vienti vuonna {lubridate::year(max(d3$time))}"
stringr::str_glue("Milj. \u20AC ({lubridate::year(max(d3$time))})"),
pattern = Suunta,
plot_type = "bar",
caption =
text = stringr::str_glue(
"Tilastokeskus.<br>Tieto vuodelta {lubridate::year(max(d3$time))}"
# Plot axis can be controlled with `set_axes()` (see documentation).
d2 |>
dplyr::filter(Suunta == "Tuonti") |>
roboplot(Alue, "Energian tuonti","Milj. \u20AC","Tilastokeskus",
plot_axes = set_axes(
ytitle = "Arvo",
xformat = "Vuonna %Y",
ylim = c(-100,100))
# Bar plot can be horizontal with plot axis control and `plot_mode` set to
# horizontal but then is better off with only a single "time" observation. Long
# legend items and axis labels can be cut off with `legend_maxwidth` in `legend`,
# while still showing the proper labels on hover. Control the order of the axes
# by explicitly setting them as factors.
d3 |>
dplyr::mutate(Suunta = paste0(Suunta, " m\uE4\uE4r\uE4maittain")) |>
dplyr::mutate(Alue = forcats::fct_reorder(Alue, value),
Suunta = forcats::fct_reorder(Suunta, value) |>
) |>
stringr::str_glue("Energian tuonti {lubridate::year(max(d$time))}"),
"Milj. \u20AC","Tilastokeskus",
plot_type = "bar",
legend = set_legend(maxwidth = 12),
plot_mode = "horizontal",
plot_axes = set_axes(
y = "Alue",
x = "value"
# If you want the bars to fill the available space in a horizontal bar chart,
# use `plot_mode` of "horizontalfill" instead of "horizontal".
d3 |>
stringr::str_glue("Energian tuonti {lubridate::year(max(d$time))}"),
"Milj. \u20AC","Tilastokeskus",
plot_type = "bar",
plot_mode = "horizontalfill",
plot_axes = set_axes(
y = "Alue",
x = "value"
# Or stack the bars horizontally by using "horizontalstack". You might want to
# move title and caption to left edge of the container instead of the plot area
# with horizontal bars.
d3 |>
stringr::str_glue("Energian tuonti {lubridate::year(max(d$time))}"),
xref = "container"
"Milj. \u20AC",
set_caption("Tilastokeskus", xref = "container"),
plot_type = "bar",
plot_mode = "horizontalstack",
plot_axes = set_axes(
y = "Alue",
x = "value"
# You can use `secondary_yaxis` to define which observations from 'color' use
# go to a secondary yaxis on the right.
d2 |>
dplyr::filter(Suunta == "Tuonti", Alue %in% c("Iso-Britannia", "USA", "Norja")) |>
"Energian tuonti",
"Milj. \u20AC",
secondary_yaxis = "Iso-Britannia",
zeroline = 1000)
# Furthermore, you can use `set_axes()` in `plot_axes` for further control, like
# titles. Documentation for `set_axes()` has more detailed examples.
d2 |>
dplyr::filter(Suunta == "Tuonti", Alue %in% c("Iso-Britannia", "USA", "Norja")) |>
"Energian tuonti",
"Milj. \u20AC",
plot_axes = set_axes(y2 = "Iso-Britannia"))
# Pie plots are possible too, but `pattern` is currently ignored by `plotly`
# and thus by `roboplot()`.
d3 |> roboplot(
"Energian tuonti ja vienti",
"Milj. \u20AC",
pattern = Suunta,
plot_type = "pie"
# Aside from `pattern`, you might want to change `markers` used on "scatter"
# plots by using `set_markers()`. You can also include `confidence_interval` on any
# numeric axis by specifying them with `set_confidence_interval()`. See both functions
# for more details.
d2 |>
dplyr::filter(Alue == "Norja") |>
dplyr::group_by(Suunta) |>
dplyr::mutate(confidence_interval = sd(value)) |>
dplyr::ungroup() |>
plot_type = "scatter",
plot_mode = "scatter",
markers = set_markers("star", 12),
confidence_interval = set_confidence_interval(type = "bars")
# Pie plot can be centered to the first factor level of argument `color` with
# with `plot_mode` "rotated".
d3 |> roboplot(Alue,"Energian tuonti ja vienti","Milj. \u20AC",
plot_type = "pie",
plot_mode = "rotated")
# You can give a `highlight` value if you don't have a `pattern`. Any trace with
# get assigned a background grid color and no legend entry. Useful mostly with
# very large amounts of traces.
d2 |>
dplyr::filter(Suunta == "Tuonti") |>
roboplot(Alue, "Energian tuonti","Milj. \u20AC","Tilastokeskus",
plot_type = "scatter",
highlight = 160)
# This works best with line plots, but can be included in other plots, too -
# with varying results, these are work in progress. `highlight` can also be a
# list with "value" and ".fun" used to determine which traces are highlighted.
d2 |> dplyr::filter(Suunta == "Tuonti") |>
roboplot(Alue, "Energian tuonti","Milj. \u20AC","Tilastokeskus",
plot_type = "bar",
highlight = list(value = 22, .fun = mean))
# `rangeslider` can be added as logical, or as character in date format of
# %Y-%m-%d, in which case the given date will control where the `rangeslider`
# start is initially set. `zeroline` can be controlled in a similar way.
d2 |> dplyr::filter(Suunta == "Tuonti") |>
roboplot(Alue, "Energian tuonti","Milj. \u20AC","Tilastokeskus",
rangeslider = "2014-01-01",
zeroline = 128)
# `shadearea` can be used to draw attention to specific area of the plot.
d2 |> dplyr::filter(Suunta == "Tuonti") |>
roboplot(Alue, "Energian tuonti","Milj. \u20AC","Tilastokeskus",
shadearea = "2019-01-01")
# Use` set_shadearea()` for more fine-tuned control.
d2 |> dplyr::filter(Suunta == "Tuonti") |>
roboplot(Alue, "Energian tuonti","Milj. \u20AC","Tilastokeskus",
shadearea = set_shadearea(
xmin = "2010-06-10",
xmax = "2016-01-01",
color = "green",
opacity = 0.5,
border = "gray",
layer = "below"
# `roboplotr()` can't currently validate `xmin` and `xmax` for `shadearea`,
# and wrong input will probably just fail to produce the area.
d2 |> dplyr::filter(Suunta == "Tuonti") |>
roboplot(Alue, "Energian tuonti","Milj. \u20AC","Tilastokeskus",
shadearea = set_shadearea(
xmin = "182625",
# Finally, you may export from the plots you create either by using `create_widget()`
# or simply using the parameter `artefacts`. The global defaults of artefact
# creation are set with `set_roboplot_options()`, and for this example the
# default filepath will be changed to a temporary directory. See `set_artefacts()`
# and `create_widget()` documentation.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
artefacts = set_artefacts(filepath = tempdir())
d2 |>
dplyr::filter(Suunta == "Tuonti") |>
roboplot(Alue,"Energian tuonti","Milj. \u20AC","Tilastokeskus",
artefacts = TRUE)
# Reset to defaults
set_roboplot_options(reset = TRUE)
} # }