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This function wraps numerous Plotly features into a single, well-parametrized interface. It also manages complex Plotly tasks, such as resizing and customization, simplifying the creation of advanced visualizations.


  d = NULL,
  color = NULL,
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = "",
  caption = NULL,
  legend = NULL,
  trace_color = NULL,
  highlight = NULL,
  zeroline = FALSE,
  rangeslider = FALSE,
  pattern = NULL,
  line_width = getOption("roboplot.linewidth"),
  hovertext = NULL,
  plot_type = "scatter",
  plot_mode = NULL,
  plot_axes = set_axes(),
  markers = set_markers(),
  height = getOption("roboplot.height"),
  error_bars = deprecated(),
  confidence_interval = NULL,
  facet_split = NULL,
  xaxis_ceiling = getOption("roboplot.xaxis.ceiling"),
  width = getOption("roboplot.width"),
  shadearea = NULL,
  secondary_yaxis = NULL,
  modebar = NULL,
  labels = NULL,
  artefacts = getOption("roboplot.artefacts")$auto,
  info_text = NULL,
  updatemenu = NULL,
  zoom = getOption("roboplot.zoom"),
  roboplot_options = NULL,
  legend_position = deprecated(),
  legend_maxwidth = deprecated(),



Data frame. Data to be plotted with at least "time" (Date or POSIXt) and "value" (numeric) columns. Other columns can be specified using plot_axes via set_axes().


Symbol or string. Column from d to use for trace color. If NULL, title text is used for color and hover labels.

title, caption

Characters or functions. Labels for plot elements. Use set_title(include = FALSE) to omit the title from the displayed plot but include it in modebar downloads, or alter the title's relative positioning. When using set_title(include = FALSE), you probably want to include a title for roboplot()'s internal use. Use set_caption() to override any caption defaults set with set_roboplot_options().


Character. Label for plot element.


Character or function. Use set_legend(). If character, use "bottom", or NA for no legend. The legend is removed by default if color in d has only one observation.


Character vector, named if length > 1. Trace colors. When named, must correspond to values in column in d referenced by color.


Numeric or list. Determines if a trace is included in the legend and assigned a color. Traces with max(value) < highlight are given a trace color matching the grid color and removed from the legend. Will not work with multiple patterns.


Logical or numeric. TRUE to include zeroline, or numeric for exact placement.


Logical or character in %Y-%m-%d format. TRUE to include a rangeslider, or a date string for the start date.


Symbol or string. Column from d to use for scatter plot linetype or bar plot pattern. Not supported for pie charts. Use set_pattern() for detailed control.


Numeric vector, named if length > 1. Line width. When named, must correspond to values in column in d referenced by color.


Function. Hovertext configuration parameters. Use set_hovertext().


Character vector, named if length > 1. Determines the trace type for the plot or variables defined by color.


Character vector, named if length > 1. Controls plot specifics along with plot_type. Available modes vary by plot_type. For plot_type "scatter", the available modes are "line" "scatter", "smooth", "step" and "scatter+line". For plot_type of "bar", the available modes are "dodge" "stack", "horizontal", "horizontalfill" and "horizontalstack". For plot_type "pie", the available modes are "normal" and "rotated".


Function. Axis configuration. Use set_axes().


Function. Marker appearance parameters. Use set_markers().

height, width

Numeric. Height and width of the plot. Default width is NA for responsive plots.


Deprecated. Use confidence_interval instead.


Function. Confidence layer configuration. Use set_confidence_interval().


Currently unused. Variable from d for facet splits.


Character or date. Sets or rounds the upper bound of the x-axis for non-bar plots. Use "guess" for automatic ceiling based on the data. use "days", "weeks", "months", "quarters" or "years" for giving that much room, preceded with a number like "2 weeks", for a specific amount of time. Use "default" for the default set with set_roboplot_options().


Date, numeric or function. Highlight an area on the plot. Use set_shadearea() for detailed control. Works with numeric or date x-axis and numeric y-axis.


Character vector. Observations from color using a secondary y-axis. Use plot_axes with set_axes() for more control.


Function. Use set_modebar().


Function. Use set_labels(). Control labels on plot traces. Use params title, plot_axes, caption etc. to control other labels.


Logical or function. Use set_artefacts() for detailed control. TRUE for automated artefact creation based on set_roboplot_options().


Character. Adds an info button to the modebar with this text, along with plot title and caption.


Function. Use set_updatemenu() for detailed control.


Character of function. Use set_zoom(), or give "none", "scroll", or "drag".


Character. A name of roboplot options set with set_roboplot_options() param name. See documentation of set_roboplot_options() for details.


Deprecated. Character. Use legend instead.


Deprecated. Numeric. Use legend instead.


Placeholder for other parameters.


A list of classes "htmlwidget", "plotly", and "roboplotr.roboplot"


# The default use for `roboplot()` is for line charts. Providing
# a title is mandatory, subtitle and color is optional but  very likely
# necessary. Use `set_roboplot_options()` to control the various global options.

d <- energiantuonti |>
  dplyr::filter(Alue %in% c("USA","Norja","Iso-Britannia"))
d1 <- d |> dplyr::filter(Suunta == "Tuonti")
d1 |> roboplot(color = Alue,
               title = "Energian tuonti",
               subtitle = "Milj. \u20AC",
               caption = "Lähde: Tilastokeskus.")
# Legend will automatically be omitted if only a single observation exists # for `color` is unless legend_position is given (currently only "bottom" # works). Caption may be further specified with the helper function # `set_caption()` (see documentation for more control). d1 |> dplyr::filter(Alue == "Iso-Britannia") |> roboplot(Alue,"Energian tuonti Yhdistyneest\uE4 kuningaskunnasta","Milj. \u20AC", caption = set_caption(text = "Tilastokeskus") )
# You can also use `set_roboplot_options()` to preconstruct some caption texts. set_roboplot_options( caption_template = "{prepend}.<br>Source: {caption}.<br>{append}.") #> Warning: The `caption_template` argument of `set_roboplot_options()` is deprecated as of #> roboplotr 2.4.0. #> Please use the `caption` argument instead. d1 |> roboplot(Alue, "Energy import","Million euros", caption = set_caption( prepend ="Canada", caption = "Statistics Finland", append = paste0("(Customs Finland, International trade ", "statistics;<br>Radiation and Nuclear Safety ", "Authority; Gasum LLC)")))
# Reset to defaults set_roboplot_options(reset = TRUE) # You can omit caption by setting it to NA. d1 |> roboplot(Alue, "Energian tuonti","Milj. \u20AC",caption = NA)
# Legend can also be omitted by giving `legend_position` of NA. Height and # width can also be specified, while for most uses width specification is # unnecessary, as roboplotr is designed for plots with responsive widths. d1 |> roboplot(Alue,"Energian tuonti","Milj. \u20AC","Tilastokeskus", legend = set_legend(position = NA), height = 600, width = 400 )
# For a long list of legend items, use `updatemenu`. See the documentation # of `set_updatemenu()` function for more control. energiantuonti |> roboplot(color = Suunta, updatemenu = Alue)
# `pattern` can be used in addition to color and you can control the ordering of # the traces by transforming your variables to factors. You can also let # `roboplot()` guess how much space is given to yaxis end in line plots, or give a # string such as "weeks" or "days" with `xaxis_ceiling`. Message about missing # frequency can be silenced by setting the information as an attribute. d2 <- d |> dplyr::mutate(Alue = forcats::fct_reorder(Alue, value)) attr(d2, "frequency") <- "Quarterly" d2 |> roboplot(Alue,"Energian tuonti ja vienti","Milj. \u20AC","Tilastokeskus", pattern = Suunta, xaxis_ceiling = "guess")
# Bar plots use `pattern` too. d2 |> roboplot(Alue,"Energian tuonti ja vienti","Milj. \u20AC","Tilastokeskus", pattern = Suunta, plot_type = "bar")
# Use `set_pattern()` if you want more options. See documentation for a more # detailed explanation. d2 |> roboplot(Alue,"Energian tuonti ja vienti","Milj. \u20AC","Tilastokeskus", pattern = set_pattern(pattern = Suunta, sep = " - "), xaxis_ceiling = "guess")
# Scatter plots and bar plot may be combined, and colors determined by # trace by giving named character vectors as the appropriate arguments. # Barmode or scatter type is controlled by `plot_mode`. d1 |> roboplot(Alue,"Energian tuonti ja vienti","Milj. \u20AC","Tilastokeskus", trace_color = c("USA" = "red","Norja" = "blue", .other = "black"), plot_type = c("Norja" = "scatter","USA" = "bar",".other" = "scatter"), plot_mode = c("Iso-Britannia" = "scatter", "Norja" = "scatter+line", ".bar" = "dodge", ".scatter" = "line" ))
# If you omit ".other" from the trace colors,` roboplot()` will give the rest of # of the traces colors from the default colors set in `set_roboplot_options()` d1 |> roboplot(Alue,"Energian tuonti ja vienti","Milj. \u20AC","Tilastokeskus", trace_color = c("USA" = "pink"))
# But if you need more control, you're better off just excplicity specifying # the colors. d1 |> roboplot(Alue,"Energian tuonti ja vienti","Milj. \u20AC","Tilastokeskus", trace_color = stats::setNames(c("#0052A5", "darkred", "#D52B1E"), unique(d1$Alue)) )
# With single "time" observation x-axis tickmarks lose tick labels. There are # several places where this information fits nicely. d3 <- d2 |> dplyr::filter(time == max(time)) d3 |> roboplot( Alue, stringr::str_glue( "Energian tuonti ja vienti vuonna {lubridate::year(max(d3$time))}" ), stringr::str_glue("Milj. \u20AC ({lubridate::year(max(d3$time))})"), pattern = Suunta, plot_type = "bar", caption = set_caption( text = stringr::str_glue( "Tilastokeskus.<br>Tieto vuodelta {lubridate::year(max(d3$time))}" ) ) )
# Plot axis can be controlled with `set_axes()` (see documentation). d2 |> dplyr::filter(Suunta == "Tuonti") |> roboplot(Alue, "Energian tuonti","Milj. \u20AC","Tilastokeskus", plot_axes = set_axes( ytitle = "Arvo", xformat = "Vuonna %Y", ylim = c(-100,100)) )
# Bar plot can be horizontal with plot axis control and `plot_mode` set to # horizontal but then is better off with only a single "time" observation. Long # legend items and axis labels can be cut off with `legend_maxwidth` in `legend`, # while still showing the proper labels on hover. Control the order of the axes # by explicitly setting them as factors. d3 |> dplyr::mutate(Suunta = paste0(Suunta, " m\uE4\uE4r\uE4maittain")) |> dplyr::mutate(Alue = forcats::fct_reorder(Alue, value), Suunta = forcats::fct_reorder(Suunta, value) |> forcats::fct_rev() ) |> roboplot(Suunta, stringr::str_glue("Energian tuonti {lubridate::year(max(d$time))}"), "Milj. \u20AC","Tilastokeskus", plot_type = "bar", legend = set_legend(maxwidth = 12), plot_mode = "horizontal", plot_axes = set_axes( y = "Alue", x = "value" ) )
# If you want the bars to fill the available space in a horizontal bar chart, # use `plot_mode` of "horizontalfill" instead of "horizontal". d3 |> roboplot(Suunta, stringr::str_glue("Energian tuonti {lubridate::year(max(d$time))}"), "Milj. \u20AC","Tilastokeskus", plot_type = "bar", plot_mode = "horizontalfill", plot_axes = set_axes( y = "Alue", x = "value" ) )
# Or stack the bars horizontally by using "horizontalstack". You might want to # move title and caption to left edge of the container instead of the plot area # with horizontal bars. d3 |> roboplot( Suunta, set_title( stringr::str_glue("Energian tuonti {lubridate::year(max(d$time))}"), xref = "container" ), "Milj. \u20AC", set_caption("Tilastokeskus", xref = "container"), plot_type = "bar", plot_mode = "horizontalstack", plot_axes = set_axes( y = "Alue", x = "value" ) )
# You can use `secondary_yaxis` to define which observations from 'color' use # go to a secondary yaxis on the right. d2 |> dplyr::filter(Suunta == "Tuonti", Alue %in% c("Iso-Britannia", "USA", "Norja")) |> roboplot(Alue, "Energian tuonti", "Milj. \u20AC", "Tilastokeskus", secondary_yaxis = "Iso-Britannia", zeroline = 1000)
# Furthermore, you can use `set_axes()` in `plot_axes` for further control, like # titles. Documentation for `set_axes()` has more detailed examples. d2 |> dplyr::filter(Suunta == "Tuonti", Alue %in% c("Iso-Britannia", "USA", "Norja")) |> roboplot(Alue, "Energian tuonti", "Milj. \u20AC", "Tilastokeskus", plot_axes = set_axes(y2 = "Iso-Britannia"))
# Pie plots are possible too, but `pattern` is currently ignored by `plotly` # and thus by `roboplot()`. d3 |> roboplot( Alue, "Energian tuonti ja vienti", "Milj. \u20AC", "Tilastokeskus", pattern = Suunta, plot_type = "pie" )
# Aside from `pattern`, you might want to change `markers` used on "scatter" # plots by using `set_markers()`. You can also include `confidence_interval` on any # numeric axis by specifying them with `set_confidence_interval()`. See both functions # for more details. d2 |> dplyr::filter(Alue == "Norja") |> dplyr::group_by(Suunta) |> dplyr::mutate(confidence_interval = sd(value)) |> dplyr::ungroup() |> roboplot(Suunta, plot_type = "scatter", plot_mode = "scatter", markers = set_markers("star", 12), confidence_interval = set_confidence_interval(type = "bars") )
# Pie plot can be centered to the first factor level of argument `color` with # with `plot_mode` "rotated". d3 |> roboplot(Alue,"Energian tuonti ja vienti","Milj. \u20AC", "Tilastokeskus", plot_type = "pie", plot_mode = "rotated")
# You can give a `highlight` value if you don't have a `pattern`. Any trace with # get assigned a background grid color and no legend entry. Useful mostly with # very large amounts of traces. d2 |> dplyr::filter(Suunta == "Tuonti") |> roboplot(Alue, "Energian tuonti","Milj. \u20AC","Tilastokeskus", plot_type = "scatter", highlight = 160)
# This works best with line plots, but can be included in other plots, too - # with varying results, these are work in progress. `highlight` can also be a # list with "value" and ".fun" used to determine which traces are highlighted. d2 |> dplyr::filter(Suunta == "Tuonti") |> roboplot(Alue, "Energian tuonti","Milj. \u20AC","Tilastokeskus", plot_type = "bar", highlight = list(value = 22, .fun = mean))
# `rangeslider` can be added as logical, or as character in date format of # %Y-%m-%d, in which case the given date will control where the `rangeslider` # start is initially set. `zeroline` can be controlled in a similar way. d2 |> dplyr::filter(Suunta == "Tuonti") |> roboplot(Alue, "Energian tuonti","Milj. \u20AC","Tilastokeskus", rangeslider = "2014-01-01", zeroline = 128)
# `shadearea` can be used to draw attention to specific area of the plot. d2 |> dplyr::filter(Suunta == "Tuonti") |> roboplot(Alue, "Energian tuonti","Milj. \u20AC","Tilastokeskus", shadearea = "2019-01-01")
# Use` set_shadearea()` for more fine-tuned control. d2 |> dplyr::filter(Suunta == "Tuonti") |> roboplot(Alue, "Energian tuonti","Milj. \u20AC","Tilastokeskus", shadearea = set_shadearea( xmin = "2010-06-10", xmax = "2016-01-01", color = "green", opacity = 0.5, border = "gray", layer = "below" ))
# `roboplotr()` can't currently validate `xmin` and `xmax` for `shadearea`, # and wrong input will probably just fail to produce the area. d2 |> dplyr::filter(Suunta == "Tuonti") |> roboplot(Alue, "Energian tuonti","Milj. \u20AC","Tilastokeskus", shadearea = set_shadearea( xmin = "182625", ))
# Finally, you may export from the plots you create either by using `create_widget()` # or simply using the parameter `artefacts`. The global defaults of artefact # creation are set with `set_roboplot_options()`, and for this example the # default filepath will be changed to a temporary directory. See `set_artefacts()` # and `create_widget()` documentation. if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{ set_roboplot_options( artefacts = set_artefacts(filepath = tempdir()) ) d2 |> dplyr::filter(Suunta == "Tuonti") |> roboplot(Alue,"Energian tuonti","Milj. \u20AC","Tilastokeskus", artefacts = TRUE) file.exists(paste0(tempdir(),"/energian_tuonti.html")) # Reset to defaults set_roboplot_options(reset = TRUE) } # }