Parameters to customize plot layout when exported from modebar.
- height, width
Numeric. The dimensions for the export file in pixels.
- mainfont, titlefont, captionfont
Numeric. The font sizes used in the export the modebar button will produce.
- suffix
Character. Suffix attached after the name of the export.
- format
Character. One of "png", "svg", "jpg", or "webp". Defines the file format of the export.
# Used inside `set_roboplot_options()` to control modebar export specifications
# globally. Parameters `x` and `y` control the dimensions. Override plot font
# sizes with `mainfont`, `titlefont`, and `captionfont`. You can give a suffix
# for export filenames (the filename is derived from title), and provide any
# one of "png","svg","jpeg", or "webp" the for `format`.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
imgdl_wide =
width = 1400,
height = 350,
mainfont = 16,
titlefont = 24,
captionfont = 14,
suffix = "",
format = "svg")
# Create a `roboplot()` and navigate to it, and download your static
# image by clicking the appropriate button in the modebar.
energiantuonti |>
dplyr::filter(Suunta == "Tuonti") |>
color = Alue,
title = "Energian tuonti",
subtitle = "Milj. €",
caption = "Tilastokeskus",
artefacts = set_artefacts("html", filepath = tempdir())
# Static image downloads are controlled through the modebar, so if you use
# other than "img_wide" you need to use `set_roboplot_options()` to
# control the modebar accordingly in addition to giving the downloaded image
# specifications (`roboplot()` does have some defaults in place
# for every size, so you can skip image specifications even if you do add
# use other image download buttons in the modebar). With multiple image
# download buttons the `suffix` parameter is especially handy.
imgdl_wide =
width = 1400,
height = 350,
mainfont = 16,
titlefont = 24,
captionfont = 14,
suffix = "_wide"),
imgdl_narrow =
width = 400,
height = 600,
mainfont = 16,
titlefont = 24,
captionfont = 14,
suffix = "_narrow"),
modebar = c("img_w","img_n","img_s")
# Create a `roboplot()` and navigate to it, and download any of the
# static images through the modebar.
energiantuonti |>
dplyr::filter(Suunta == "Tuonti") |>
color = Alue,
title = "Energian tuonti",
subtitle = "Milj. €",
caption = "Tilastokeskus",
artefacts = set_artefacts("html", filepath = tempdir())
# Revert to defaults:
set_roboplot_options(reset = TRUE)
} # }