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Set up an update menu for a plot


set_updatemenu(buttons, selected = NULL, position = "topleft", opacity = 0.9)



A column from param "d" of call to roboplot() that will be used to create the buttons in the update menu. If the column is not a factor, it will be converted to one.


The default selected button. Default is the first level of buttons.


The position of the update menu. Default is "topleft". Options are "topleft", "topright", "bottomleft", "bottomright".


The opacity of the update menu background. Default is 0.9.


A list of class roboplotr.set_updatemenu that can be passed to the updatemenu parameter of roboplot().


# For a long list of legend items, use `set_updatemenu()`.
energiantuonti |> roboplot(color = Suunta, updatemenu = set_updatemenu(Alue))
# Control position and default selection energiantuonti |> roboplot(color = Suunta, updatemenu = set_updatemenu(Alue, selected = "Ruotsi", position = "topright"))
# `roboplot()` uses the `subtitle` parameter for hovertext unit labeling. If # your updatemenu refers various units, you need to pass the correct labeling # with `set_hovertext()`. energiantuonti |> dplyr::filter(Alue %in% c("USA", "EU-maat", "Belgia", "Ruotsi")) |> dplyr::group_by(Alue, Suunta) |> dplyr::mutate(indeksi = value / mean(value[lubridate::year(time) == 2015]) * 100, Suunta = tolower(Suunta)) |> dplyr::ungroup() |> tidyr::pivot_longer(c(value, indeksi), names_to = "Tiedot") |> dplyr::mutate(Tiedot = ifelse(Tiedot == "value", "Arvo", "Indeksi (2015 = 100)")) |> tidyr::drop_na() |> dplyr::mutate(hoverlabel = stringr::str_glue("{Alue}, {Suunta}\n{Tiedot}")) |> roboplot( Alue, "Energiantuonti", pattern = set_pattern(Suunta, sep = ": "), updatemenu = set_updatemenu(Tiedot, position = "topright"), hovertext = set_hovertext(unit = "", text_col = hoverlabel) )