Parameters to add and customize modebars in roboplots.
Character vector. Buttons contained in modebar in the given order. Must contain any of "home", "closest", "compare", "zoomin", "zoomout", "img_w", "img_n", "img_s", "data_dl" and "robonomist" in any order.
- display
Character. One of "constant", "hover" or "none". Controls whether modebar is visible always, only on hover, or never. Whatever the choice, static exports will not display a modebar.
- title
This will be the title used for static files downloaded through modebar. Control image download title extension specifications with
. roboplottitle
will be used if no title is given here.- zoom
Integer. Static plot downloaded through modebar will be magnified by this multiplier. Note that this will affect final file dimensions if you have specified some with set_roboplot_options. Default is 1.
- ...
Placeholder for other parameters.