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Parameters to customize labels displayed with roboplots traces. Use set_title, set_caption, set_legend, and set_axes with other labeling.


set_labels(style = "none", color = NULL, text_col = NULL, size = NULL, ...)



Character. Use 'none' for no labels (the default for all but pie plots). With plot_type "scatter" you can use 'auto' or 'last', with plot_type "bar" you can use 'auto', 'outside' or 'mini', and with plot_type pie you can use 'auto' or 'percent'.


Symbol. Use this to control the color of text outside the corresponding trace. The default is trace color. Color of text inside a trace is always controlled by roboplot to ensure accessibility.


Symbol. The column used for labeling if something else than your trace values.


Numeric. Font size of trace labels.


When using set_roboplot_options to set labels, you should provide any or all of set_labels(scatter, bar, pie), with 'scatter' controlling the global behavior of both lines and scatters. Do not use these when providing label styles inside roboplot, use style instead.


# Use `set_labels(style = "auto")` to automatically set the labels in bar plots
# inside or outside of bars according to how they fit.
d <- energiantuonti |> dplyr::filter(Alue == "USA")

d |> roboplot(Suunta, plot_type = "bar", plot_mode = "dodge", labels = set_labels("auto"))
# Use `style = "mini"` to label only the bars where the labels don't fit (ie. the # smallest bars). You can omit using the `set_labels()`-function if you only wish # to provide the state d |> roboplot(Suunta, plot_type = "bar", plot_mode = "dodge", labels = "mini")
# `"inside"` and `"outside"` to force either state d |> roboplot(Suunta, plot_type = "bar", plot_mode = "dodge", labels = "outside")
# Give `color` if you want to override the colors of labels outside the bars. # `roboplot()` will always use its internal color paletter for the labels inside # the bars to ensure accessibility. Give `size`to override the automatic font sizes # plotly uses. d |> roboplot( Suunta, plot_type = "bar", labels = set_labels("auto", color = "black", size = 15) )
# Works with horizontal bars, too energiantuonti |> dplyr::filter(time == max(time), Suunta == "Tuonti") |> roboplot( Suunta, plot_type = "bar", plot_mode = "horizontalfill", plot_axes = set_axes(y = "Alue"), labels = set_labels(style = "auto", size = 22) )
# For scatter traces, use "auto" to highlight data points. You most likely will # need to provide y-axis limits manually. d |> roboplot(Suunta, labels = "auto", plot_axes = set_axes(ylim = c(-60, 700)))
# If you specify axis limits with `set_axes()` or `xaxis_ceiling`, `roboplot()` # will not be able to detect x-axis limits correctly. Using xaxis_ceiling "default" # should work. d |> roboplot(Suunta, labels = "auto", xaxis_ceiling = "guess")
# Pies can handle only no labels, or percentage labels. energiantuonti |> dplyr::filter(time == max(time), Suunta == "Tuonti") |> roboplot(Alue, plot_type = "pie")
# Set defaults with `set_roboplot_options()` by trace type. set_roboplot_options(labels = set_labels(scatter = "auto", bar = "mini", pie = "none"))